pkgcheck is developed alongside pkgcore. To run the development version of pkgcheck you will need the development version of pkgcore.
The metadata.xml checks require lxml to be installed.
No installation is strictly required, just run the pkgcheck
script and
things should work. For a more permanent install see the following options:
Installing latest pypi release in a virtualenv:
pip install pkgcheck
Installing from git in a virtualenv:
git clone ./pkgcheck/requirements/ ./pkgcheck
Installing from a tarball or git repo:
python install
A standalone test runner is integrated in; to run, just execute:
python test
In addition, a tox config is provided so the testsuite can be run in a virtualenv setup against all supported python versions. To run tests for all environments just execute tox in the root directory of a repo or unpacked tarball. Otherwise, for a specific python version execute something similar to the following:
tox -e py36