
A simple yet featureful plugin that gets you home

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A straightforward Spigot plugin that gets you home

GetMeHome has all the features you would need for a simple home plugin. The configuration is very simple to understand and set up! This plugin was tested to work on Minecraft 1.7 and up, and it will continue being updated to be future-proof!

There are plenty of home plugins out there, but this plugin was built out of necessity for a survival server. There was no reliable home plugin to rely on for clean storage and messages that also supports multi-home. Any home plugin that I found was either too bloated or too simple. I decided to take it on my own, and so, GetMeHome was born.

GetMeHome features:

  • /home, /sethome, /delhome, and /listhomes
  • Advanced Multi-home support by declaring custom permission nodes in limit.yml
    • /setdefaulthome to change default home
  • Warmup and cooldown delay support by declaring custom permission nodes in delay.yml
  • Localization based on MC language, officially supporting:
    • English (Default)
      • ɥsᴉꞁᵷuƎ (v1.0.3)
      • LOLCAT (v1.0.0)
      • Pirate Speak (v1.0.1)
      • Shakespearean English (v1.0.3)
    • Japanese (v1.0.3; by kj_Brooke)
    • Korean (v1.0.1)
  • Custom localization or messages
  • A way to go to or edit other player's homes


There are several configuration options that you can set.

  • message.prefix: Default: "&6[GetMeHome]". The tag used for all messages from GetMeHome.
  • message.content-color and message.focus-color: Change message colors without any hassle!
  • welcome-home-radius: Default: 4. Distance away from home point to show the "Welcome home" message. Can be disabled by setting it to -1.

For additional information, check config.yml.

limit.yml and delay.yml

These two files follow the same exact structure.

- perm:         permission.node
  value:        Home Limit
  operation:    set | world | add | subtract (optional)
  worlds:       [world_name(s), ...] (optional)

Home limit in limit.yml does not support "subtract" operation.

Examples are shown in limit.yml and delay.yml.

Commands and Permissions

The default permissions should work well with your needs. All usable permission nodes are listed below.

For additional information, check plugin.yml.

User Commands

Everyone is given these permissions by default.

  • getmehome.user: Allows all commands a user needs to use the plugin features. This enables the following permission nodes:
    • getmehome.command.home
    • getmehome.command.sethome
    • getmehome.command.delhome
    • getmehome.command.listhomes
    • getmehome.command.setdefaulthome
  • getmehome.command.home: Allows going home.
    • /home [name]
  • getmehome.command.sethome: Allows setting home.
    • /sethome [name]
  • getmehome.command.delhome: Allows deleting own home.
    • /delhome [name]
  • getmehome.command.listhomes: Allows listing list of own homes.
    • /listhomes
  • getmehome.command.setdefaulthome: Allows changing the default home.
    • /setdefaulthome <name>

Delay Bypass Commands

  • getmehome.delay.instantother: No delay for /home to other player's home. (default: op)
  • getmehome.delay.allowmove: Allows moving while waiting for /home warmup (default: false)

Administration Commands

By default, these permissions are given only to server operators.

  • getmehome.reload: Allows reloading plugin configuration. This discards homes not yet saved on the file!
    • /getmehome reload to reload.
    • /getmehome clearcache to clear home cache. This doesn't do anything for now.
  • getmehome.command.home.other: Allows going to other player's home.
    • /home <player> <name>
  • getmehome.command.sethome.other: Allows setting other player's home. This ignores the target player's home limits, so be sure to check the number using /listhomes <player>!
    • /sethome <player> <name>
  • getmehome.command.delhome: Allows deletion of other player's home. There is no confirmation prompt, so be careful!
    • /delhome <player> <name>
  • getmehome.command.listhomes.other: Allows listing of other players' homes.
    • /listhomes <player>


I can use some help with localization. Feel free to fork and create a PR with new languages!

Check out CONTRIBUTING.md for more information!

External Links

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