Reports of progress

Each week, you are expected to complete/attempt your assigned tasks and update your report of progress, located in a folder at this repository (See folders 05 and after for format examples). The deadline for submitting your weekly report of progress is Friday 5pm. Reports will be reviewed during the weekend to assign further tasks. If a report is submitted after the deadline, it will be reviewed for the week after. Reports should be summited as a pull request.
As a minimum requirement to obtain a pass grade, URAPs must submit at least 8 good reports during a semester. A good report must contain three elements: (1) list of assigned tasks, (2) list of progress and questions in each task, (3) number of hours worked during the week. The following are some examples of good and bad:

  • Good examples: learned git, learned R, learned about PA, summarized # reports, pushed # commits, clean shiny app code, support a fellow URAP, etc.
  • Bad examples: apologies, promises, comments, etc. Will be counted as not submitted.