
Ranked Choice Voting educational site

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Ranked Choice Voting


The structure and contents of this README will change as development progresses.


This is intended to be an interactive educational site, explaining how Ranked Choice Voting works. The exact shape and feel of the site is to be finalized, but we anticipate having a virtual ballot that users can fill out, then they can watch the RCV process at work "live". That is, they can see how their ballot is tallied, with candidates they favored potentially being eliminated, and their backup candidates being considered. They will also see vote counts as the RCV process progresses, and how eliminated candidates' votes are redistributed to surviving candidates.

Practical info for the team - how to use the RCV logic

Currently, all the necessary RCV logic is complete enough to build a first-pass version of the site. I'll walk you through the various methods available and how they can help us get to a minimum viable product.

How to generate ballots manually

Use the box.addBallots(numBallots, [ballot]) method.

  • numBallots is a natural number (1, 2, 3...) representing how many ballots you wish to put into the ballot box.
  • [ballot] is an array of natural numbers starting from 0. Its length is the number of candidates you wish to have exist, while the order of its elements are the order of preference for the candidates.
  • As an example, calling box.addBallots(1000, [0, 1, 2, 3]); would add one thousand identical ballots to the ballot box that are voting for candidate 0 as the first choice, candidate 1 as the second choice, candidate 2 as the third choice, and candidate 3 as the fourth choice.
  • It is possible to insert ballots of mixed lengths into the ballot box, and this will not cause any issues at all.

How to generate ballots randomly

Use the box.addRandomBallots(numBallots, numCandidates) method.

  • As with the manual method, numBallots is a natural number (1, 2, 3...) representing how many ballots you wish to put into the ballot box.
  • numCandidates is a natural number representing the number of candidates you wish to have on the ballot.
  • This method will always generate ballots that are permutations of [0, 1, 2, ..., n-2, n-1] for numCandidates === n.

How to view the current contents of the ballot box

Use the box.debugEnumerateVotes() method. This will simply console.log out the value of the ballot box.

How to reset the ballot box

Use the box.resetBallotBox() method. This method is useful to call if we want to allow the user to rerun the RCV simulation.

How to compute the results of Ranked Choice Voting

Use the box.runRCV() method. This will take the current ballot box and compute the winner of the election. The return value of this method is an object showing the results of each round of the RCV process. Keys are of the format round0, round1, ... roundN. There is also a stats key that exposes info about the entire election, such as ballots casted, number of rounds taken to determine a winner, and the election winner.

All round keys will have keys representing candidates that are still in the running. All candidate keys in all rounds will have the following keys:

  • votes, representing the number of votes the candidate has earned in that round.
  • percent, representing the percent of the vote the candidate has obtained.

All round keys except the final round will have an eliminatedCandidate key, representing the candidate that obtained the fewest votes in that round (and thus is eliminated from future rounds). The eliminated candidate's votes are redistributed to surviving candidates appropriately based on the preferences of the relevant ballots.

All candidate keys in rounds other than round0 will contain the following key in addition to votes and percent:

  • gain, representing the number of votes the candidate gained from the candidate who was eliminated in the previous round.

The data in the object returned by box.runRCV() will be useful in generating the graphs to help illustrate how the RCV process works. While additional data may be necessary, this should be all we need to make an interesting minimally viable product.

I just want to see the RCV magic work. Wat do?

No problem.

  • Launch any browser (though note that Chrome and Firefox have nicer dev tools than Edge) and navigate to https://chuynh18.github.io/rankedchoice/, then hit the F12 key to open your browser's developer tools.
  • In your dev tools, click the "Console" button.
  • Type in box.addRandomBallots(10000000,5); then press enter. Congratulations! You've just generated ten million random ballots for five candidates.
  • When the above operation has completed (it should complete fairly quickly), type in box.runRCV();. You'll get one short line of text; click the little triangle to the left of that text, and then click the triangles next to the words round0, round1, round2, round3, and stats.

What you see is an object containing the results for an election that just occurred, where the ten million ballots you generated were counted. round0 through round3 represent the four rounds that it took for the winner of the election to be determined. 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 represent the five candidates who participated in this election. (We can and will give them more endearing names, but that's not the responsibility of this code to do so.) The rest of the data contained in the object should be fairly straightforward.