- 4
Referer not pass to recaptcha enterprise
#155 opened by marcoaring - 2
- 4
Runtime sitekey configuration
#139 opened by niksoft123 - 2
Update NestJS to Support Version 10.0
#120 opened by ramirosacruz - 3
#61 opened by whydnxx - 4
@nestjs/axios 2.0.0 version
#112 opened by lamkn06 - 4
Error: Cross origin null forbidden
#116 opened by sinisa-nimcevic - 7
- 2
Update nestjs/axios to v1 and axios itself
#103 opened by Dzixxx - 3
Error: @nestlab/google-recaptcha tried to access rxjs
#100 opened by DiFuks - 2
Unknown type in useFactory
#99 opened by DiFuks - 4
- 7
- 3
reCAPTCHA Enterprise API
#70 opened by emadbatwa - 2
Logging captcha result
#60 opened by smsalisbury - 1
NestJS v9 support
#63 opened by tgorecki - 1
Cannot import RecaptchaResult
#56 opened by lowgos - 9
- 1
Add support for NestJS 8
#49 opened by dvantage - 10
Available Feature Exists? How to obtain the Captcha result in the handler (GraphQL)
#43 opened by bernarma - 4
- 3
- 3
- 3
- 1
Extend peer dependencies
#21 opened by alvaro-octal - 5
- 4
How can I use it in multiple modules' controllers
#10 opened by Menci