
Convert libsvm model file to svm_model.h and svm_model.c, so that embeded system could apply libsvm model easily.

Primary LanguagePython

libsvm for embeded

libsvm is the famous SVM library, which provides interfaces to almost all the programming languages. However, it seems friendly only for the environments with file systems. Currently, I want to apply libsvm result, which is named as *.model to STM32, and I don't want to port FATFS to it. So the easy way is maybe converting *.model file to svm_model.h and svm_model.c which can be compiled to STM32.


convert_model_to_c.py reads an model file and replace variables to STM32_files/svm_model.c.in and generate STM32_files/svm_model.c as output.

./convert_model_to_c.py [model_path]

svm_model.h and svm_model.c can then be utilized in STM32 project

STM32_files/main.c tests the two files and also gives the demonstration of invoking functions in svm_model.c


To make sure the svm_model.c is correct, tests could be conducted. Following are the steps:

Firstly, run gen_test_model.py to get test.model file.


Secondly, execute convert_model_to_.py to generate newest svm_model.c file


Finally, test same data both by standard libsvm and converted svm_model.c

test standard libsvm:

cat data.txt | ./test_model.py

test converted svm_model.c:

cd STM32_files
cat ../data.txt | ./svm_test

the output will tell whether the converted program is right or not.

Implementation reference

LIBSVM: A Library for Support Vector Machines