
A simple, standalone, and lightWeight tool that can do health/status checking, written in Go.

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


EaseProbe is a simple, standalone, and lightWeight tool that can do health/status checking, written in Go.

1. Overview

EaseProbe would do 3 kinds of work - Probe, Notify, and Report.

1.1 Probe

Ease Probe supports the following probing methods:

  • HTTP. Checking the HTTP status code, Support mTLS, HTTP Basic Auth, and can set the Request Header/Body. ( HTTP Probe Configuration )

      # Some of the Software support the HTTP Query
      - name: ElasticSearch
        url: http://elasticsearch.server:9200
      - name: Prometheus
        url: http://prometheus:9090/graph
  • TCP. Just simply check the TCP connection can be established or not. ( TCP Probe Configuration )

      - name: Kafka
        host: kafka.server:9093
  • Shell. Run a Shell command and check the result. ( Shell Command Probe Configuration )

      # run redis-cli ping and check the "PONG"
      - name: Redis (Local)
        cmd: "redis-cli"
          - "-h"
          - ""
          - "ping"
          # set the `REDISCLI_AUTH` environment variable for redis password
          - "REDISCLI_AUTH=abc123"
        # check the command output, if does not contain the PONG, mark the status down
        contain : "PONG"
  • Client. Currently, support the following native client. Support the mTLS. ( Native Client Probe )

    • MySQL. Connect to the MySQL server and run the SHOW STATUS SQL.
    • Redis. Connect to the Redis server and run the PING command.
    • MongoDB. Connect to MongoDB server and just ping server.
    • Kafka. Connect to Kafka server and list all topics.
    • PostgreSQL. Connect to PostgreSQL server and run SELECT 1 SQL.
    • Zookeeper. Connect to Zookeeper server and run get / command.
      - name: Kafka Native Client (local)
        driver: "kafka"
        host: "localhost:9093"
        # mTLS
        ca: /path/to/file.ca
        cert: /path/to/file.crt
        key: /path/to/file.key

1.2 Notification

Ease Probe supports the following notifications:

  • Slack. Using Webhook for notification
  • Discord. Using Webhook for notification
  • Telegram. Using Telegram Bot for notification
  • Email. Support multiple email addresses.
  • AWS SNS. Support AWS Simple Notification Service.
  • WeChat Work. Support Enterprise WeChat Wrok notification.
  • DingTalk. Support the DingTalk notification.
  • Log File. Write the notification into a log file


  • The notification is Edge-Triggered Mode, only notified while the status is changed.
# Notification Configuration
    - name: "MegaEase#Alter"
      webhook: "https://hooks.slack.com/services/........../....../....../"
    - name: "MegaEase#Alter"
      webhook: "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/...../....../"
    - name: "MegaEase Alter Group"
      token: 1234567890:ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ # Bot Token
      chat_id: -123456789 # Channel / Group ID
    - name: "DevOps Mailing List"
      server: smtp.email.example.com:465
      username: user@example.com
      password: ********
      to: "user1@example.com;user2@example.com"
    - name: AWS SNS
      region: us-west-2
      arn: arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:298305261856:xxxxx
      endpoint: https://sns.us-west-2.amazonaws.com
        id: AWSXXXXXXXID
    - name: "wecom alert service"
      webhook: "https://qyapi.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/webhook/send?key=589f9674-a2aa-xxxxxxxx-16bb6c43034a" # wecom robot webhook
    - name: "dingtalk alert service"
      webhook: "https://oapi.dingtalk.com/robot/send?access_token=xxxx"

Check the Notification Configuration to see how to configure it.

1.3 Report

  • SLA Report. EaseProbe would send the daily, weekly, or monthly SLA report.
  # SLA Report schedule
    #  daily, weekly (Sunday), monthly (Last Day), none
    schedule: "weekly"
    # UTC time, the format is 'hour:min:sec'
    time: "23:59"

2. Getting Start

2.1 Build

Compiler Go 1.18+ (Generics Programming Support)

Use make to make the binary file. the target is under the build/bin directory

$ make

2.2 Run

Running the following command for local test

$ build/bin/easeprobe -f config.yaml

3. Configuration

The following configuration is an example.

3.1 HTTP Probe Configuration

# HTTP Probe Configuration

  # A Website
  - name: MegaEase Website (Global)
    url: https://megaease.com

  # Some of the Software support the HTTP Query
  - name: ElasticSearch
    url: http://elasticsearch.server:9200
  - name: Eureka
    url: http://eureka.server:8761
  - name: Prometheus
    url: http://prometheus:9090/graph

  # Spring Boot Application with Actuator Heath API
  - name: EaseService-Governance
    url: http://easeservice-mgmt-governance:38012/actuator/health
  - name: EaseService-Control
    url: http://easeservice-mgmt-control:38013/actuator/health
  - name: EaseService-Mesh
    url: http://easeservice-mgmt-mesh:38013/actuator/health

  # A completed HTTP Probe configuration
  - name: Special Website
    url: https://megaease.cn
    # Request Method
    method: GET
    # Request Header
      X-head-one: xxxxxx
      X-head-two: yyyyyy
      X-head-THREE: zzzzzzX-
    content_encoding: text/json
    # Request Body
    body: '{ "FirstName": "Mega", "LastName" : "Ease", "UserName" : "megaease", "Email" : "user@example.com"}'
    # HTTP Basic Auth
    username: username
    password: password
    # mTLS
    ca: /path/to/file.ca
    cert: /path/to/file.crt
    key: /path/to/file.key
    # configuration
    timeout: 10s # default is 30 seconds
    interval: 60s # default is 60 seconds

3.2 TCP Probe Configuration

# TCP Probe Configuration
  - name: SSH Service
    host: example.com:22
    timeout: 10s # default is 30 seconds
    interval: 2m # default is 60 seconds

  - name: Kafka
    host: kafka.server:9093

3.3 Shell Command Probe Configuration

# Shell Probe Configuration
  # A proxy curl shell script
  - name: Google Service
    cmd: "./resources/probe/scripts/proxy.curl.sh"
      - "socks5://"
      - "www.google.com"

  # run redis-cli ping and check the "PONG"
  - name: Redis (Local)
    cmd: "redis-cli"
      - "-h"
      - ""
      - "ping"
      # set the `REDISCLI_AUTH` environment variable for redis password
      - "REDISCLI_AUTH=abc123"
    # check the command output, if does not contain the PONG, mark the status down
    contain : "PONG"

  # Run Zookeeper command `stat` to check the zookeeper status
  - name: Zookeeper (Local)
    cmd: "/bin/sh"
      - "-c"
      - "echo stat | nc 2181"
    contain: "Mode:"

3.4 Native Client Probe

# Native Client Probe
  - name: Redis Native Client (local)
    driver: "redis"  # driver is redis
    host: "localhost:6379"  # server and port
    password: "abc123" # password
    # mTLS
    ca: /path/to/file.ca
    cert: /path/to/file.crt
    key: /path/to/file.key

  - name: MySQL Native Client (local)
    driver: "mysql"
    host: "localhost:3306"
    username: "root"
    password: "pass"

  - name: MongoDB Native Client (local)
    driver: "mongo"
    host: "localhost:27017"
    username: "admin"
    password: "abc123"
    timeout: 5s

  - name: Kafka Native Client (local)
    driver: "kafka"
    host: "localhost:9093"
    # mTLS
    ca: /path/to/file.ca
    cert: /path/to/file.crt
    key: /path/to/file.key

  - name: PostgreSQL Native Client (local)
    driver: "postgres"
    host: "localhost:5432"
    username: "postgres"
    password: "pass"

  - name: Zookeeper Native Client (local)
    driver: "zookeeper"
    host: "localhost:2181"
    timeout: 5s
    # mTLS
    ca: /path/to/file.ca
    cert: /path/to/file.crt
    key: /path/to/file.key

3.5 Notification Configuration

# Notification Configuration
  # Notify to Slack Channel
    - name: "Organization #Alter"
      webhook: "https://hooks.slack.com/services/........../....../....../"
      # dry: true   # dry notification, print the Slack JSON in log(STDOUT)
    - name: "Group Name"
      token: 1234567890:ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ # Bot Token
      chat_id: -123456789 # Group ID
    - name: "Channel Name"
      token: 1234567890:ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ # Bot Token
      chat_id: -1001234567890 # Channel ID
  # Notify to Discord Text Channel
    - name: "Server #Alter"
      webhook: "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/...../....../"
      # the avatar and thumbnail setting for notify block
      avatar: "https://img.icons8.com/ios/72/appointment-reminders--v1.png"
      thumbnail: "https://freeiconshop.com/wp-content/uploads/edd/notification-flat.png"
      # dry: true # dry notification, print the Discord JSON in log(STDOUT)
      retry: # something the network is not good need to retry.
        times: 3
        interval: 10s
  # Notify to email addresses
    - name: "XXX Mail List"
      server: smtp.email.example.com:465
      username: user@example.com
      password: ********
      to: "user1@example.com;user2@example.com"
      # dry: true # dry notification, print the Email HTML in log(STDOUT)
  # Notify to AWS Simple Notification Service
    - name: AWS SNS
      region: us-west-2 # AWS Region
      arn: arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:298305261856:xxxxx # SNS ARN
      endpoint: https://sns.us-west-2.amazonaws.com # SNS Endpoint
      credential: # AWS Access Credential
        id: AWSXXXXXXXID  # AWS Access Key ID
        key: XXXXXXXX/YYYYYYY # AWS Access Key Secret
  # Notify to Wecom(WeChatwork) robot.
    - name: "wecom alert service"
      webhook: "https://qyapi.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/webhook/send?key=589f9674-a2aa-xxxxxxxx-16bb6c43034a" # wecom robot webhook
  # Notify to Dingtalk
    - name: "dingtalk alert service"
      webhook: "https://oapi.dingtalk.com/robot/send?access_token=xxxx"
  # Notify to a local log file
    - name: "Local Log"
      file: "/tmp/easeprobe.log"
      dry: true

Notes: All of the notifications can have the following optional configuration.

  dry: true # dry notification, print the Discord JSON in log(STDOUT)
  timeout: 20s # the timeout send out notification, default: 30s
  retry: # somehow the network is not good needs to retry.
    times: 3 # default: 3
    interval: 10s # default: 5s

3.6 Global Setting Configuration

# Global settings for all probes and notifiers.
  # SLA Report schedule
    #  daily, weekly (Sunday), monthly (Last Day), none
    schedule : "daily"
    # UTC time, the format is 'hour:min:sec'
    time: "23:59"
    # debug mode
    # - true: send the SLA report every minute
    # - false: send the SLA report in schedule
    debug: false

    # dry: true # Global settings for dry run
    retry: # Global settings for retry
      times: 5
      interval: 10s

    timeout: 30s # the time out for all probes
    interval: 1m # probe every minute for all probes
  # easeprobe program running log file.
  logfile: "test.log"

  # Log Level Configuration
  # can be: panic, fatal, error, warn, info, debug.
  loglevel: "debug"

  # Date format
  # Date
  #  - January 2, 2006
  #  - 01/02/06
  #  - Jan-02-06
  # Time
  #   - 15:04:05
  #   - 3:04:05 PM
  # Date Time
  #   - Jan _2 15:04:05                   (Timestamp)
  #   - Jan _2 15:04:05.000000            (with microseconds)
  #   - 2006-01-02T15:04:05-0700          (ISO 8601 (RFC 3339))
  #   - 2006-01-02 15:04:05
  #   - 02 Jan 06 15:04 MST               (RFC 822)
  #   - 02 Jan 06 15:04 -0700             (with numeric zone)
  #   - Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 MST     (RFC 1123)
  #   - Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 -0700   (with numeric zone)
  timeformat: "2006-01-02 15:04:05 UTC"

4. Community

5. License

EaseProbe is under the Apache 2.0 license. See the LICENSE file for details.