
topics Models extension for Mallet & scikit-learn

Primary LanguageJava

Mallet Extension

In Mallet package, it only contains two topic Models--LDA and Hierachical LDA. So I tried to implement some useful topic modeling methods on it.


  • Hierarchical Dirichlet Process with Gibbs Sampling. (in HDP folder)
  • Inference part for hLDA. (in hLDA folder)


  1. This is an extension for Mallet, so you need to have Mallet's source code first.
  2. put HDP.java, HDPInferencer.java and HierarchicalLDAInferencer.java in src/cc/mallet/topics folder.
  3. If you are going to run HDP, make sure you include knowceans package in your project.
  4. run HDPTest.java or hLDATest.java will give you a demo for a small dataset in data folder.


Scikit-learn Extension


This extension is merged in scikit-learn 0.17 version.


  • online LDA with variational inference. (In LDA folder)


  1. Make sure numpy, scipy, and scikit-learn are installed.
  2. run python test in lda folder for unit test
  3. The onlineLDA model is in lda.py.
  4. For a quick exmaple, runpython lda_example.py online will fit a 10 topics model with 20 NewsGroup dataset. online means we use online update(or partial_fit method). Change online to batch will fit the model with batch update(or fit method).


  • Scikit-learn
  • onlineLDA
  • "Online Learning for Latent Dirichlet Allocation", Matthew D. Hoffman, David M. Blei, Francis Bach


  • Another HDP implementation can be found it my bnp repository. It also follows scikit-learn API and is optimized with cython.