A UTF-8 hardware decoder written in the Verilog. The implementation relies on the WHATWG: Encoding - "UTF-8 decoder" specification. For synthesis and simulation, Icarus Verilog is used.
- OS: Linux
- Package: nodejs
- Package: iverilog
- clone the repository
- go to clone root directory
- execute command "npm install"
- execute command "npm run tsc"
An example of usage is available in the "examples" directory. Its results can be seen by running the command "npm run example-decode_helloworld".
- combinational circuit implementation (experimental)
- more detailed statuses (including different types of errors)
- elimination of the problem with three final "ticks" (can be solved with the introduction of additional informational signals)
- passing stress test "utf8test.txt"
To run the test, run "npm run test-demo".