tunely-angular lab

Full CRUD SPA with MEAN. Refactor of tunely by adding Angular.


  • Express server, static assets
    • serving JSON on /api routes
  • RESTful design
  • Bootstrap
  • CRUD with mongoose

Other tools

  • bower is used, but students need not interact with it
    • components are automatically installed via an npm postinstall script


This lab begins with no front-end and a fully built out Express/Mongoose back-end. As we progress through we'll:

  • get the data from the server using $http and display it on the page
  • add functionality to create a new album
  • add functionality to remove/delete an album
  • add the ability to edit/update an album
  • add a route for viewing details of an album
  • add functionality to CRUD songs (embedded in albums)

Getting Started

  • clone this lab repo (no need to fork since you won't be turning anything in)
  • read this doc then
  • follow the branching instructions here


Sprint 1

Sprint 1: set up a simple Angular app with hard-coded data

Sprint 2

Sprint 2: GET and POST album data with the Express back-end

Sprint 3

Sprint 3: UPDATE and DELETE album data with the Express back-end

Sprint 4

Sprint 4: refactor app to use ngRoute and view templates

Sprint 5

Sprint 5: add ability to CRUD songs