
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This repository consists of code of the following paper:

Jiawen Huang, Emmanouil Benetos, Sebastian Ewert, "Improving Lyrics Alignment through Joint Pitch Detection," International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). 2022. https://arxiv.org/abs/2202.01646


This repo is written in python 3. Pytorch is used as the deep learning framework. To install the required python packages, run

pip install -r requirements.txt

Besides, you might want to install some source-separation tool (e.g. Spleeter, Open-Unmix) or use your own system to prepare source-separated vocals.


Check the notebook for a quick example.


The DALI v2.0 is required for training. See instructions on how to get the dataset: https://github.com/gabolsgabs/DALI.

To use the DALI data loader, it is recommended to pull the repo and link to the root of this repo by running:

ln -s path/to/dali_wrapper/ DALI

The annotated Jamendo is used for evaluation: https://github.com/f90/jamendolyrics

All the songs in both datasets need to be separated and saved in advance.

When you run the training/testing scripts for the first time, hdf5 files will be generated.


The baseline acoustic model (Baseline)

python train.py --dataset_dir=/path/to/DALI_v2.0/annotation/ --sepa_dir=/path/to/separated/DALI/vocals/ 
                --checkpoint_dir=/where/to/save/checkpoints/ --log_dir=/where/to/save/tensorboard/logs/ 
                --model=baseline --cuda

The proposed acoustic model (MTL)

python train.py --dataset_dir=/path/to/DALI_v2.0/annotation/ --sepa_dir=/path/to/separated/DALI/mp3s/ 
                --hdf_dir=/where/to/save/hdf5/files/ --loss_w=0.5
                --checkpoint_dir=/where/to/save/checkpoints/ --log_dir=/where/to/save/tensorboard/logs/ 
                --model=MTL --cuda

Run python train.py -h for more options.


The following script runs alignment using a pretrained baseline model without boundary information (Baseline) on Jamendo:

python eval.py --jamendo_dir=/path/to/jamendolyrics/ --sepa_dir=/path/to/separated/jamendo/mp3s/
               --load_model=./checkpoints/checkpoint_Baseline --pred_dir=/where/to/save/predictions/

The following script runs alignment using the pretrained MTL model with boundary information (MTL+BDR) on Jamendo:

python eval_bdr.py --jamendo_dir=/path/to/jamendolyrics/ --sepa_dir=/path/to/separated/jamendo/mp3s/
                   --load_model=./checkpoints/checkpoint_MTL --pred_dir=/where/to/save/predictions/
                   --bdr_model=./checkpoints/checkpoint_BDR --model=MTL

The generated csv files under pred_dir can be easily evaluated using the evaluation script in jamendolyrics.


[1] Yun-Ning Hung, Yi-An Chen, and Yi-Hsuan Yang, “Multi-task learning for frame-level instrument recognition,” in Proc. ICASSP. 2019, pp. 381–385, IEEE.

[2] Sebastian Ewert, Meinard Müller, and Peter Grosche, “High resolution audio synchronization using chroma onset features,” in Proc. ICASSP. 2009, pp. 1869–1872, IEEE.

[3] Daniel Stoller, Simon Durand, and Sebastian Ewert, “End-to-end lyrics alignment for polyphonic music using an audio-to-character recognition model,” in Proc. ICASSP. 2019, pp. 181–185, IEEE.

[4] Gabriel Meseguer-Brocal, Alice Cohen-Hadria, and Geoffroy Peeters, “Creating DALI, a large dataset of synchronized audio, lyrics, and notes,” Transactions of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 55–67, 2020.

[5] Chitralekha Gupta, Emre Yılmaz, and Haizhou Li, “Automatic lyrics alignment and transcription in polyphonic music: Does background music help?,” in Proc. ICASSP. 2020, pp. 496–500, IEEE.

Cite this work

  author       = {Jiawen Huang and
                  Emmanouil Benetos and
                  Sebastian Ewert},
  title        = {Improving Lyrics Alignment Through Joint Pitch Detection},
  booktitle    = {{IEEE} International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing,
                  {ICASSP} 2022, Virtual and Singapore, 23-27 May 2022},
  pages        = {451--455},
  publisher    = {{IEEE}},
  year         = {2022}


Jiawen Huang
