
UWC 2.0 Project


  • Java 17
  • Eclipse Enterprise Edition
  • MySQL Workbench

Framework and library using:

  • Spring Boot
  • Hibernate
  • jgrapht
  • Swagger API UI
  • Thymeleaf

How to operate the app:

Step 1: After Installed the requirements above, Open Eclipse and Choose your workplace folder.

Step 2: Click on the File on the menu bar and Choose import.

Step 3: In import choose Maven folder and Choose Existing Maven Projects.

Step 4: Next to Root Directory, Choose Browse and link it to the folder contains pom.xml and click finish.

Step 5: Right click onto Demo in Project Explorer section choose build path, in librarries tab, choose JRE Java 17 to avoid errors. alt-text

Step 6: In Project Explorer, extend src/main/resources -> click on to configure the server.port if needed and configure your database account and password. alt-text

Step 7: Again in Project Explorer, extend src/main/java-> com.uwc -> and click the Red run button alt-text

Step 8: Open your browser and enter "localhost:..." with the ... is the you configured in step 6.