A single-file tkinter-based Ollama GUI project with no external dependencies.
- abderhasanHarvard Medical School/Massachusetts General Hospital
- asa33100Taipei Municipl Daan Vocational High School
- barakhamami
- bravetThailand
- chyok
- Codechisel
- derek-zl
- devmarauda
- dicksondicksonDICKSON
- etitoctoc
- ExistentiaVirae
- freyjasasiAccenture,India
- gitous
- goodboyyes2009
- GucciGross
- jingjing2016
- john523
- kandyjam
- lemon360
- lestan
- Made-JayaIndonesia
- Nat30@tencent
- nomoreerror
- rm17tinkNew York misses the old York
- sboka
- shammyfiveducks
- shouryan01Tektronix
- shuxiaokaiM78 Nebula
- sinoyster
- snowdj
- sunkiol
- svenha
- sylph520
- vchamp-blog
- xiaozhouzhoua
- Zafrkant