
Run a program with IPv4 disabled. Particularly useful in CERNET.

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Run a program with IPv4 disabled.

It hacks bind, connect and sendto functions to make them reject IPv4 connections.

This utility is particularly useful in CERNET, where IPv6 is free and IPv4 is not. ("Free" as in both "free beer" and "freedom". You know what this means LOL)

本工具用于禁止 IPv4 流量。在部分高校, IPv6 免费、IPv4 按流量计费, 当 IPv6 资源充足时, 可使用本工具禁用 IPv4, 以减少下载费用。


Example: Disable IPv4 for transmission.

$ cd noipv4
$ make
$ cp libnoipv4.so ~/
$ LD_PRELOAD=$HOME/libnoipv4.so transmission