Quick start

Create `javascript/settings.js` by copying `javascript/settings-example.js'
(no change to file necessary for single player).

Open `index.html` with Firefox or Safar (other browsers can only play the game
if this directory is served via http://).

Or: Install banditracer-client with RingoJs

Install RingoJs <http://ringojs.org/getting_started>

   $ ringo-admin install domasx2/banditracer-client
   $ ringo-admin install hns/stick

Start the banditracer-client webserver:

   $ ringo -e "require('banditracer-client').startUp()"

Access the game at: <http://localhost:8080/>

Track Editor

See instructions at: http://www.banditracer.eu/index.php?page=track-editor-help

Your own dedicated multiplayer server

see https://github.com/domasx2/banditracer-server

Pack Js files

To improve the loading behaviour, use GameJs to wrap your app and the library
into `gjs-app-wrapped.js` and load that file.

    $ gamejs/wrap-directory.sh ../banditracer-client/javascript/

...then fix banditracer's index.html to use `gjs-app-wrapped.js`.

See gamejs/docs/deployment in the gamejs distribution for more info.

Repack GameJs

To update the gamejs version used, re-wrap GameJs and copy it into the `banditracer-client/public` directory:

    $ ~/gamejs/wrap-gamejs.sh
    $ cp ~/gamejs/examples/skeleton/public/gamejs-wrapped.js ~/banditracer-client/public/