
Flask-Based Database-Driven Web Application

Primary LanguageHTMLApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Database-Driven Web Applications with Flask

This is the repo for our designed database driven by a Flask based web application. In this project, we build a dynamic web application aimed to help our client to better manage her shelter.

We achieve the following:

  • Create a Flask-based website driven by MySQL database
  • Work with dynamic HTML templates
  • Accept user input with HTML forms; user can modify or edit the information

Team Members

  • Jiachen Guo
  • Zijun Huang
  • Siyuan Liu
  • Rachel Chujie Zheng

Local Setup

Our platform is based on Flask in Python 3 and MySQL as DBMS, so please make sure you have correctly set up the environment in the very beginning. The following are some useful links for envrionment set up.

1. Flask

2. MySQL

3. Flask-MySQL

4. Ajax

To install Flask, you can run the following command:

pip install Flask


After setting up the environment mentioned above, please pull the files from our repository. You could either download as a zip file or type the following command in yoru terminal:

 git clone https://github.com/chz816/database-web-application.git


We provide a sample data for testing our implementation. You can directly run the following command to set up the database:

cd setup

You can also modify the data by modifying the codes in setup folder. db_init.sql creates the database named DB in MySQL, and db_data.sql sets up the dataset.


Use the following command to launch our app:

python app.py

then you should be able to see the following info in the terminal:

* Running on http://localhost:xxxx/ (Press CTRL+C to quit)
* Restarting with stat
* Debugger is active!
* Debugger PIN: xxx-xxx-xxx

finally you can land on our homepage by entering http://localhost:xxxx/ in the broswer (we prefer Chrome or Firefox).


If you find any issues or have some suggestions any time, please feel free to submit a request on our repositoty page. We will address the issue as soon as possible.