
Ansible role for installing cron and scheduling jobs on Linux systems.

MIT LicenseMIT

Ansible Role: Cron

Test and release. License: MIT Ansible Role

This role installs cron and schedules jobs on a Linux system.



Role Variables

cron_backup_original_crontab: true

Whether to backup the original crontab before modifying it.

cron_jobs: []
# cron_jobs:
#   - name: Foo
#     minute: "0"
#     hour: "0"
#     day: "*"
#     month: "4"
#     weekday: "*"
#     job: "foo.sh"
#     state: present
#     user: "{{ ansible_user }}"

A list of options in order to schedule the specified job. These options are:

  • name: The name of the job. (required)
  • minute: Minute when the job will be run. Possible values are between 0-59. (optional)
  • hour: Hour of the day when the job will be run. Possible values are between 0-23. (optional)
  • day: Day of the month the job will be run. Possible values are between 1-31. (optional)
  • month: Month the job will be run. Possible values are between 1-12. (optional)
  • weekday: Day of the week the job will be run. Possible values are between 0-6. (optional)
  • special_time: Can be used instead of hour, minute etc. Possible values are: annually, daily, hourly, monthly, reboot, weekly, yearly. (optional)
  • job: The script/command etc to execute. (required)
  • state: Possible values are: present, which will ensure the job is present, and absent which will delete the job. Defaults to present. (optional)
  • user: Which user's crontab to modify. Defaults to the root user. (optional)

Note: If any of the (optional) options are not specified they will be omitted.



Example Playbook

- hosts: server
      - name: Test
        minute: "0"
        hour: "5,2"
        job: "/path/to/foo.sh"
        state: present
      - name: Test 2
        state: absent

    - { role: chzerv.cron }



Author Information

Xristos Zervakis