- 5
How to not append space?
#239 opened by vczyh - 0
Doesn't work properly in GoLand's debug console.
#237 opened by lx32056127 - 0
Autocomplete using net.Conn
#236 opened by vl-axentia - 2
- 4
- 1
In Ansi_ The ColorTableFg in the windows.go file may have an array out of bounds
#233 opened by feiquan666 - 1
Add a security policy
#223 opened by pnacht - 0
- 0
Fails to read piped stdin in windows
#229 opened by YairHalberstadt - 0
- 1
Can I use `readline.NewRawReader()` as `os.Stdin` on Windows? Can `readline.NewRawReader()` support `Ctrl + Space`?
#227 opened by lonnywong - 0
Example how to use library with old UNIX CLI tools like Oracle sqlplus or rman
#225 opened by gyzszabo - 0
TOCTOU race in prompt redraw
#220 opened by slingamn - 4
change of color (ANSI color code unchaged) when calling `log.SetOutput(l.Stderr())`
#216 opened by gekigek99 - 0
data race in history search
#219 opened by slingamn - 0
`(*Instance).Close()` hangs if there is a concurrent `(*Instance).ReadLine` call
#217 opened by slingamn - 2
Crash after Ctrl-S, Ctrl-C
#163 opened by firelizzard18 - 0
the serial terminal key is invalid or stuck
#215 opened by shiroming - 0
data race warning
#214 opened by avlapp - 0
Breaks terminal when used '\n' in promt
#213 opened by str1ngs-bytes - 0
Support multi-line edit
#212 opened by wader - 1
How do I complete a file path
#197 opened by wanggaolin - 0
readline.ListenRemote and telnet connection
#205 opened by lukasz-grabski - 1
Autocomplete CharBackspace behaviour question
#204 opened by tpodowd - 3
On windows cmd can not input char 'd' sometimes.
#162 opened by luckywinds - 0
how to modify Prompt
#199 opened by firstsko - 0
- 0
- 2
type beyond EOL and moving back breaks redrawing
#183 opened by quite - 0
Remote CLI combined with Local CLI causes IO Issues
#193 opened by e-fin - 0
- 2
- 0
Autocomplete: PrefixCompleter adds unwanted SPACE ' ' (ASCII 32) to each string
#190 opened by carli2 - 0
Fails to build when GOOS=plan9
#188 opened by mholt - 0
errors when pasting text to the console in windows
#186 opened by ilyapashuk - 3
- 7
ANY alternative?
#178 opened by itwars - 0
- 0
Cursor position is wrong when typing Chinese/Japanese/etc. characters and moving cursor
#184 opened by Sunbread - 1
Prompt 方法不支持多行文本吗?
#182 opened by xuanskyer - 0
Is it possible to apply readline to tview or tcell?
#180 opened by dzpao - 0
Case-Insensitive auto completion
#177 opened by dzervas - 0
Highlight parenthesis
#173 opened by xyproto - 0
Couldn't manage to cancel CancelableStdin
#167 opened by isacikgoz - 0
FuncFilterInputRune fails on filtering ctrl-J
#168 opened by isacikgoz - 0
bind to pageup / pagedown?
#165 opened by ywwg - 0
- 0
In Windows CMD.EXE, Readline Resets Screen Color
#159 opened by jcburley - 0
Any ideas on implementing an interactive selector during auto completion
#158 opened by rohityadavcloud - 0
Vi Key-Bindings
#157 opened by asimjalis