Formless and Void

A form-inputs-and-git-collaboration project.

The Basics

You'll be working in groups to make a form, with:

  • The content that you (and your partners) decide on... be creative!
  • Whatever form field types you want... go wild!
  • Automatic printing of results thanks to the bit of JavaScript in main.js... don't touch!

What Form Types Can I Include?

You can find a list of form input types here. All of them should work expect for radio and checkbox, though they also may not have their full functionality without some JavaScript. Experiment to see what works and what you like!

The Basic Workflow For Adding A Form Input Field In This Project

  1. Add an input tag of the type you want to the #form div, making SURE to give the input tag an id.
  2. Add an h1 tag to the #results div, making SURE to give it the exact same class as the input's id. (Note which one of those is an id and which is a class, and check your spelling!)
  3. Fill out the form and hit the submit button. The JavaScript in main.js will do the rest!

Git Collaboration

You're going to work on this together using git. Here are your basic steps.

  • One teammate will fork this repo. This will be the repo that everyone submits as an assignment.
  • That teammate will add the other team members as "Collaborators".
    • First, go to "Settings" for your FORKED repo (with your username in the url!). It's a tab on top.
    • Then, "Manage Access" on the left.
    • Finally, hit "Invite teams or people" and enter the usernames of your collaborators.
    • Now the collaborators just have to follow the link in their email!
  • You will all git clone the repository to your machines.
  • When it's someone else's turn to "drive", the current driver can push up (git add and git commit -m "[some message]" first!), and the new driver will do a git pull to get the changes the previous driver added.
  • Always always always pull before you start working.
  • Repeat until you're done! (Make sure to push one final time.)


All form input types. Resolving merge conflicts.