
Primary LanguageJavaScript

If Learning


Today you'll be branching to return different results based on the parameters passed in--first using if statements, and then if with else. Time to really unlock the power of booleans!

Tools You'll Use

  • Full functions, with return values and parameters and the whole shebang.
  • Basic booleans.
  • Comparison operators (===, >, etc.).
  • if and if-else.


  • Fork and clone this repo.
  • Run jest --watch-all in a terminal of your choosing (I prefer a full-screen one!).
  • Code away in main.js until all your tests are passing.


  • Write a function called isItLong that returns the string "That's a long string!" if the given string is longer than 20 characters. It should not return anything otherwise. (Explicitly, at least--every function returns undefined if you don't return a value!)
  • Write a function called isItMedium that returns the string "That's a regular sized string!" if the given string is between 10 and 20 characters, inclusive. It should not return anything otherwise.
  • Write a function called isItShort that returns "That's a small string!" if the given string is shorter than 10 characters. Otherwise, it should return "That's not a small string!"
  • Write a function called howLongIsMyString that returns:
    • the string "That's a long string!" if the given string is longer than 20 characters
    • the string "That's a regular sized string!" if the given string is between 10 and 20 characters, inclusive
    • the string "That's a small string!" if the given string is shorter than 10 characters
  • Write a function called instructorHeight that returns the height of your instructors, in inches. If given the string "Colin" it should return the number 62. If given the string "Mesuara", it should return the number 69. If given anything else, it should return the string "I don't know that instructor!".