
ads demo environment

Primary LanguageGo


CI Go Report Card

This repository contains the components of ads-demo-environment, build environment and CI/CD pipeline and their deplyoment to aks.


Here you can find the build instructions for either locally with and without docker and via the CI/CD pipeline.

Build locally


Docker image

To build (and deploy) the eventhub2db docker image you can use the following commands:

$ ./dobi.sh image-eventhub2db        # build only
$ ./dobi.sh image-eventhub2db:push   # build and push do docker registry

To run the docker image with a specific <tag> use:

docker run --rm -e EVENTHUB_CONNECTIONSTRING="Endpoint=sb://testing-ns4tenant2.servicebus.windows.net/;SharedAccessKeyName=ar4tenant2;SharedAccessKey=A...;EntityPath=eh4tenant2" harbor.ci4rail.com/ci4rail/kyt/eventhub2db:<tag>

Have a look at available tags for the image: https://harbor.ci4rail.com/harbor/projects/7/repositories/kyt%2Feventhub2db

Plain binary

Containerized Build of the eventhub2db tool. Builds x86 version for linux.

$ ./dobi.sh build-eventhub2db

Run the eventhub2db:

$ export EVENTHUB_CONNECTIONSTRING="Endpoint=sb://testing-ns4tenant2.servicebus.windows.net/;SharedAccessKeyName=ar4tenant2;SharedAccessKey=A...;EntityPath=eh4tenant2"
$ bin/eventhub2db --addr :8080

Or, build/run it with your local go installation:

$ cd eventhub2db
$ go run main.go  --addr :8080

Build with CI/CD

Concourse CI will be used as CI/CD system.

Download fly and login to concourse CI server.

# Download fly from concourse server
$ sudo curl -L https://concourse.ci4rail.com/api/v1/cli?arch=amd64&platform=linux -o /usr/local/bin/fly && sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/fly
# Login to concourse
$ fly -t prod login -c https://concourse.ci4rail.com


The pipeline.yaml is the CI/CD pipeline that builds eventhub2db docker image. The eventhub2db image will be published as docker image here.


Copy ci/credentials.template.yaml to ci/credentials.yaml and enter the credentials needed (for docker registry credetials yoda harbor robot user from bitwarden can be used, access_token can be found in yoda-ci4rail github token from bitwarden). The access_token needs read rights on Github. Apply the CI/CD pipeline to Concourse CI using

$ fly -t prod set-pipeline -p ads-demo-environment -c pipeline.yaml -l ci/config.yaml  -l ci/credentials.yaml


The pipeline-pullrequests.yaml defines a pipeline that runs basic quality checks on pull requests. For this, consourse checks Github for new or changed pull requests If a change is found, it downloads the branch and performs a clean build of kyt-cli kyt and eventhub2db go binaries. It also runs go test for both.


Copy ci/credentials-pullrequests.template.yaml to ci/credentials-pullrequests.yaml and enter the Github access_token with read rights and enter the webhook_token key, you want to use (access_token can be found in yoda-ci4rail github token from bitwarden). Configure a Webhook on github using this URL and the same webhook_token: https://concourse.ci4rail.com/api/v1/teams/main/pipelines/kyt-services-pull-requests/resources/pull-request/check/webhook?webhook_token=<webhook_token>

Apply the pipeline to Concourse CI using

$ fly -t prod set-pipeline -p ads-demo-environment-pull-requests -c pipeline-pullrequests.yaml -l ci/credentials-pullrequests.yaml

Test environment

TimescaleDB Server

Start server with

docker run -d --name timescaledb -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password timescale/timescaledb:2.1.0-pg13

TimescaleDb Go Client

Run local go program to

  • Extend the database with TimescaleDB (if not happed before)
  • Create table if not exists
  • Insert columns if not exist
  • Convert the table created into a hypertable (if not exists)
  • Insert sample data into database


Execute it

go run main.go

TimescaleDB Docker Client

Run interactive client in docker container and connect to PostgreSQL, using a superuser named 'postgres':

docker exec -it timescaledb psql -U postgres

Show the last 100 entries in the table:



Run as docker container:

docker run -d --name=grafana -p 3000:3000 grafana/grafana

Connect grafana to local TimescaleDB server:

  • In broser open http://localhost:3000/
  • Go to Configuration -> Data Sources
  • Select PostgreSQL
  • Enter the data as shown in the following figure

The password needs to fit the value of POSTGRES_PASSWORD from TimescaleDB Server

The ip adress from docker interface docker0 needs to be entered as host ip adress

Insert data into Grafana panel:

  • Go to Create -> Dashboard
  • Click on Add new panel
  • Check selected data sourse is adsdata
  • Click on the pen next on the right side of the A query to toggle to text mode
  • Enter the following to show the course of the parameter counter
      "time" AS "time",
      ((data->>'counter')::numeric) as values
    FROM adsdata
    ORDER BY 1

Example output: