
This is used to practice and demo in temporary frontend

Primary LanguageDart


REST examples

GraphQL examples


  • Copy local file to emulator
# when turn on emulator
adb push <PC path> <emulator path>
adb push ~/project/test.txt /storage/emulated/0/Download/
# entry emulator system
adb shell

ref. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5151744/upload-picture-to-emulator-gallery

  • 删除device里的APP
adb shell pm list packages
adb uninstall <package_name>
adb shell pm list packages > p0.txt
adb shell pm list packages > p1.txt
opendiff p0.txt p1.txt

ref. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/25927124/android-studio-how-to-uninstall-apk-or-execute-adb-command-automatically-bef

Colorized Console

Here is the string to turn Hello red:

\x1B  [31m  Hello  \x1B  [0m


  • \x1B: ANSI escape sequence starting marker
  • [31m: Escape sequence for red
  • [0m: Escape sequence for reset (stop making the text red)

Here are the other colors:

Black:   \x1B[30m
Red:     \x1B[31m
Green:   \x1B[32m
Yellow:  \x1B[33m
Blue:    \x1B[34m
Magenta: \x1B[35m
Cyan:    \x1B[36m
White:   \x1B[37m
Reset:   \x1B[0m
Background Bright Black: \x1B[40;1m
Background Bright Red: \x1B[41;1m
Background Bright Green: \x1B[42;1m
Background Bright Yellow: \x1B[43;1m
Background Bright Blue: \x1B[44;1m
Background Bright Magenta: \x1B[45;1m
Background Bright Cyan: \x1B[46;1m
Background Bright White: \x1B[47;1m


Build your own Command Line with ANSI escape codes