
Mucking about with golang, my helloworld learning project: a more user friendly Apache Bench CLI

Primary LanguageGo

gBench - Apache Bench in Go

Mucking about with golang, my first ""helloworld"" learning project:
A more user friendly Apache Bench CLI.


go build -o gb main.go


./gb --url=google.ie -c=100 -n=2

Or, just get prompted for the params.

URL to bench?
<enter URL>
Number of requests to perform?
<enter a number>
Concurrency (i.e. number of requests at one time)?
<enter a number>
Pinging  http://google.ie  with  2  requests, doing  2  of these at a time
Avg time:  147.860332ms
2 / 2  sucesses,  0 / 2  failures

You may want to bump ulimit to prevent "Error too many files open" when testing a local webserver:
ulimit -S -n 2048

Differences to Apache Bench

-Implements three possiobe params: URL, concurrency and number. No support (yet) for anything other than HTTP GET
-Get prompted for params if omitted - no more remembering stuffs
-Unlike Apache Bench, this really doesn't do very much. Not very much at all.