
Just a banch of projects to play in ciandt the garage (will be splitted into others projects if they grow)

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Just a banch of projects to play in ciandt the garage (will be splitted into others projects if they grow)


7SegsDisplayHexCounter (By rmarco)

  • Using 7 segments display, this project show all hexadecimal chars (0-F) into a loop. Enjoy the funny initialization =D


  • Using LeapMotion js API, is a web page sending http requests with hand's position data to an Arduino (using Ethernet Shield) to control a servo motor.


  • Using a html/js color picker, change the color of a RGB led with arduino


  • A easy way to start a arduino+ethernet project. (still big =/)
  • This lib provides:
    1. beginSerial : Init the serial comunication (9600)
    2. beginEthernet : Init the server
    3. bind : Bind a request method and URI with a function to handle the request (WOW! Like SpringMVC =P)
    4. restLoop : Put this function on your loop to read http requests and automaticaly call your binds! (WOW! Like SpringMVC =P)

LeapHand (by kadu)


#Disclaimer Use by your own risks! Have fun and feel free to copy and use all this code!

So Long and Thanks for all the Fish.