
Realtime bindings to Common Music 2 using incudine. Also check out cm-svg, cm-fomus and cm-utils repos here.

Primary LanguageCommon Lisp



cm-incudine extends common music 2 (the common lisp port of common music) with realtime capabilities using the incudine realtime system by Tito Latini. Currently realtime MIDI, FUDI, OSC and any function call are supported. Note: incudine currently only works with sbcl and a working JACK setup.

The Common Lisp package depends on

As all the code is evaluated within the :cm package and exported from there, code evaluation should take place within the :cm package as well.

Realtime processes can be invoked by either using the events function with an incudine-stream or *rts-out* as second argument or the sprout function. The processes now also support realtime FUDI messages in addition to OSC and MIDI messages.



Copyright (c) 2018 Orm Finnendahl <orm.finnendahl@selma.hfmdk-frankfurt.de>

Revision history: See git repository.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the Gnu Public License, version 2 or
later. See https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html for the text
of this agreement.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.



You need a system with a working JACK and sbcl setup.

First get all Common Lisp components:

Using a common lisp with quicklisp installed, copy all the folders of the prerequsites into the local-projects subfolder of your local quicklisp installation folder (default is <home>/quicklisp/local-projects).


First start JACK, then sbcl and evaluate the following:

(ql:quickload "cm-incudine")


The last command automatically changes into the :cm package, starts the incudine realtime thread, adds audio ports and MIDI ports to jack.

MIDI Output

To send realtime MIDI messages to jackmidi output you can use output, events or sprout. Before testing the following code make sure some MIDI synth (e.g. QSynth) is started and connected to the incudine midi-out port (e.g. using the QjackCtl program).

(output (new midi))

 (loop for x below 10
    collect (new midi :time (* x 0.5) :keynum (between 60 71)))

 (loop for x below 10
    collect (new midi :time (* x 0.5) :keynum (between 60 71))))

   repeat 5
   output (new midi :time (now) :keynum (between 60 71))
   wait 0.5)

   repeat 5
   output (new midi :time (now) :keynum (between 60 71))
   wait 0.5))

FUDI output and input

Sending to Pure Data requires to first start pd and open or create a patch containing a [netreceive 3012] object. For testing purposes a [print] object connected to the netreceive’s left outlet can be used. In this case watch the messages appearing in pd’s post window, when sending FUDI messages from cm to pd using the code below.

(fudi-open-default :host "" :port 3012 :direction :output)

   repeat 2
   output (new fudi :time (now) :message '(1 2 3 4))
   wait 1))

Receiving FUDI also works after opening the respective stream with

(fudi-open-default :host "" :port 3011 :direction :input)

Please refer to the common music docs for handling input events and establishing receivers.

OSC output and input

Sending OSC messages is similar to sending FUDI messages except that OSC requires argument type information in addition to the message itself.

(osc-open-default :host "" :port 3003 :direction :output)

   repeat 2
   output (new osc :time (now) :types "iiii" :message '(1 2 3 4))
   wait 1))

receiving OSC also works after opening the respective stream with

(osc-open-default :host "" :port 3004 :direction :input)

Please refer to the common music docs for handling input events and establishing receivers.


The default time format is :sec but can also be set to :sample or :ms with the function set-time-format.

The functions at and now are wrappers for the same incudine functions which automatically translate from/to the current time-format.

For other usage examples see the file src/cm-incudine-examples.lisp.

Orm Finnendahl 2017/18