
Errors compiling from sources

pmoura opened this issue · 5 comments

With the current git version (6714f26), on macOS, I get:

$ ./ local-install
=> core: building [bin]
{Using package /Users/pmoura/Documents/Prolog/ciao/core/lib/condcomp/
ERROR: (lns 2-3) unknown declaration if($with_compiler_name(c_optim_comp))
ERROR: (lns 4-4) unknown declaration compilation_fact(optim_comp)
ERROR: (lns 5-5) unknown declaration endif
{Using package /Users/pmoura/Documents/Prolog/ciao/core/lib/
ERROR: (lns 4-6) unknown declaration if(defined(SHELL))
ERROR: (lns 7-10) unknown declaration else
ERROR: (lns 10-12) unknown declaration if(defined(optim_comp))
ERROR: (lns 13-13) unknown declaration else
ERROR: (lns 14-15) unknown declaration endif
ERROR: (lns 16-18) unknown declaration if(defined(optim_comp))
ERROR: (lns 19-19) unknown declaration $props($initialization/1,[impnat=bytecode])
ERROR: (lns 21-21) unknown declaration $props($on_abort/1,[impnat=bytecode])
ERROR: (lns 23-23) unknown declaration else
ERROR: (lns 26-26) unknown declaration endif
ERROR: (lns 27-29) unknown declaration if(defined(optim_comp))
ERROR: (lns 30-30) unknown declaration else
ERROR: (lns 44-44) unknown declaration endif
ERROR: (lns 45-47) unknown declaration if(defined(optim_comp))
ERROR: (lns 48-49) unknown declaration $native_weak_inline(include(ciao/basiccontrol.native.h))
{ERROR: absolute_file_name/7, arg 1 - existence error: source_sink:engine(ptoc__prelude_types) does not exist}
{ERROR: user:compile_mods/5 - existence error: procedure:user:compile_mods/5 does not exist}
   compiled engine/ (23 modules)
jfmc commented

Hi Paulo, (if you have not done it yet) could you try building from a fresh clone?

No errors with a fresh clone. Noticed that ISO library name changed. Updated the Logtalk integration files to account for it but I still get:

{ERROR: No handle found for thrown error error(existence_error(source_sink,library(iso)),absolute_file_name/7-1)}

Solved. There was another file where the change from iso to iso_strict was missing. Pushed the necessary changes to the Logtalk git repo.

Support for multifile predicates is still apparently broken (as per ISO Prolog standard specs). Any changes in this regard from 1.19.0 to 1.20.0?

jfmc commented

Unfortunately, only Ciao-style multifile are supported in this release. We've marked fixing this as a top priority. Thank you for the reminder! Would you agree moving this to its own issue and close this one?