
There are 49 repositories under clp topic.

  • ciao-lang/ciao

    Ciao is a modern Prolog implementation that builds up from a logic-based simple kernel designed to be portable, extensible, and modular.

  • triska/clpz

    Constraint Logic Programming over Integers

  • pythological/kanren

    An extensible, lightweight relational/logic programming DSL written in pure Python

  • triska/clpfd

    Constraint Logic Programming over Finite Domains

  • Martinfx/Cobol

    Open library with source code for OpenCobol, GnuCobol AS 400 COBOL, CL, CLP, CLLE, CBLLE

  • richardschoen/QshOni

    The QShell on IBM i library contains useful CL wrapper commands to allow QShell and PASE apps to be called and consumed from regular IBM i jobs via CL, RPG or COBOL programs.

  • springer-math/linear-programming-using-MATLAB

    This book offers a theoretical and computational presentation of a variety of linear programming algorithms and methods with an emphasis on the revised simplex method and its components. A theoretical background and mathematical formulation is included for each algorithm as well as comprehensive numerical examples and corresponding MATLAB® code. The MATLAB® implementations presented in this book are sophisticated and allow users to find solutions to large-scale benchmark linear programs. Each algorithm is followed by a computational study on benchmark problems that analyze the computational behavior of the presented algorithms. As a solid companion to existing algorithmic-specific literature, this book will be useful to researchers, scientists, mathematical programmers, and students with a basic knowledge of linear algebra and calculus. The clear presentation enables the reader to understand and utilize all components of simplex-type methods, such as presolve techniques, scaling techniques, pivoting rules, basis update methods, and sensitivity analysis.

  • triska/clpb

    Boolean Constraint Solving in Prolog

  • SJLennon/IBM-i-RPG-Free-CLP-Code

    IBM i Working Examples in free-form RPGLE, SQL and CLP

  • triska/simsttab

    Simple timetabling engine for schools

  • richardschoen/iforgit

    Easy to implement Git Client for IBM i and RDI/SEU/PDM/VS Code developers for IBM i source version control with git

  • CorinnaKrebs/Visualizer

    This tool visualizes solutions for the Vehicle Routing Problem combined with the 3D Container Loading Problem.

  • npaun/chemlogic

    A logic programming computer chemistry system

  • richardschoen/ibmibashscripts

    Bash Scripts for use in PASE, QShell on IBM i

  • juliennonin/container-loading-pb

    [m1ds][RCS] Heuristic for the Container Loading Problem

    Language:Jupyter Notebook7211
  • CorinnaKrebs/SolutionValidator

    Solution Validator

  • richardschoen/ibmijasper

    IBM i JasperReports Report Generation

  • gcampanella/clpy

    Low-level Cython bindings to the Clp linear programming solver

  • jerps/CAF

    IBM i Common Application Framework (RPGIV, 5250)

  • richardschoen/pymonfori

    Python Network or Process Monitoring Scripts for IBM i

  • richardschoen/rpgclcodingexamples

    This repo will contain misc RPG, CL and command (CMD) coding examples

  • TOTBWF/clphs

    Constraint Logic Programming for Haskell

  • vahidalizad/parse-server-schema-manager

    parse-server-schema-manager is an NPM package that helps you identify and manage differences between your Parse Server database schema and your codebase schema. With this tool, you can ensure consistency, leverage schema as code, and take advantage of version control for your schema.

  • aragonxpd154/sysdevice-plc

    This is an inexpensive programmable logic controller project that performs control and monitoring functions for industrial processes of various types and levels of complexity, through specific programs developed by the user

  • caballa/ftclp

    FTCLP: A Failure-based Tabling Interpreter for Constraint Logic Programs based on Interpolation

  • fstiehle/owl_inspector

    GUI to visualize SWI CLP(FD) programs

  • IonBoleac/lab-vincolata

    Some example how to solve some problems with clp and asp (prolog)

  • LilyOSullivan/SymbolicExecutionForCWithParser

    A symbolic execution engine in Prolog for C

  • richardschoen/pythonibmicli

    IBM i Python cli Scripts with CL commands to query databases or insert, update delete individual records. These can be used on any platform including IBMi - AS/400 with QSHONI/QSHEXEC

  • Learn-CLIPS


    A repository for showcasing my knowledge of the CLIPS programming language, and continuing to learn the language

  • tayebiarasteh/pathology_ASV

    The effect of speech pathology on automatic speaker verification

  • apostolistselios/clp-course

    The exercises from my university course 'Constraint Logic Programming' using Prolog

  • EdgarACarneiro/feup-plog

    Project developed for 'Logic Programming', a third year subject @FEUP. Made in collaboration with @andrefcruz.

  • esdrasantos/CLP_Programming

    Repository for Automation exercises related to CLP programming in the MasterTool IEC

  • Maroon502/clp-src

    Build and Link Coin-OR Clpfor ALL TARGETS. Redistribution of Coin-OR Clpas a crate.

  • Maroon502/coinclp-sys

    Low-level bindings to the Coin-OR Clp library for ALL TARGETS. It will Build and Link Clp and provide bindings
