
(playground) Can I run Logtalk from within the new Ciao Prolog Playground?

Jean-Luc-Picard-2021 opened this issue · 2 comments

Can I place a Logtalk Prolog text here, and run it?


For example this Logtalk example:

:- object(list).

    :- public(member/2).
    member(Head, [Head| _]).
    member(Head, [_| Tail]) :-
        member(Head, Tail).

:- end_object.

jfmc commented

Not yet, but it will definitely be very nice.

jfmc commented

Exactly. "Software packages" in Ciao are called "bundles" ("package" was taken for a different purpose in Ciao). SWIPL call it "packs". I'm not sure which system released and documented them before (but it does not really matter, none of us invented the concept). Our goals and needs were a bit different anyway.