Feature request predicate divmod/4
Jean-Luc-Picard-2021 opened this issue · 3 comments
Jean-Luc-Picard-2021 commented
Its quite customary that Prolog systems nowadays
have divmod/4, because many bigint algorithms can
produce both div and mod at the same time.
Trying to port a SWI-Porlog program I get:
?- use_module('/draft.pl').
{Compiling /draft.pl
ERROR: (lns 27-30) Predicate divmod/4 undefined in source
ERROR: Aborted module compilation
Could this be added to Ciao Prolog, especially the playground?
jfmc commented
Thanks for the suggestion!
You may try this:
divmod(Dividend, Divisor, Quot, Rem) :-
Rem is Dividend mod Divisor,
Quot is (Dividend - Rem) // Divisor.
which actually gives an implementation for div/3 (before we introduce it as an arithmetic expression):
div(Dividend, Divisor, Quot) :-
Rem is Dividend mod Divisor,
Quot is (Dividend - Rem) // Divisor.
jfmc commented
No, Ciao uses its own implementation of bignums. Of course we could add it, but is there any example where performance of this operation is critical?