
Share encrypted secrets with disappearing links

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Secret Sharing Web Client


Secure secret sharing with expiring links

Encrypts a message with a passphrase and stores a hash of the passphrase and the encrypted cipher and generates a unique URL to retrieve them.

The passphrase is required to retrieve the secret. Links expire and the encrypted cipher and hash are deleted after a maximum of 3 days. The unencrypted data or passphrase are never stored.

It is recommended that the link and passphrase are communicated to the recipient using separate channels, e-mail, signal, sms etc.

Minimum Viable Product Requirements

-   Creating  secrets   
    -   Request a secret (text,  <=100KB), expiry (1-72hrs) and passphrase (>=10 characters) from a user
    -   Add a hidden form field, honeypot, if populated do not submit
    -   Capture time to populate and submit form and submit with request
    -   Generate a cryptographically random passphrase if user does not supply one
    -   Generate and store an SHA-256 cryptographic hash of user provided passphrase
    -   Generate and store an AES-256 cipher of user provided text up to 100KB
    -   Store the cipher, expiry and hash in a dynamoDB table and generate a unique URL that can be  used to retrieve the cipher
    -   Return a unique application URL patch that can be used to retrieve the cipher
    -   Delete the cipher and hash
    -   Delete access logs incluing requester IP
-   Retrieving secrets
    -   Request passphrase, hash and send to request API
    -   If hash matches return cipher to requester and
            -   delete the item in DynamoDB
            -   delete all access logs including requester IP
    -   If link is not valid return a message saying link is not valid or secret has expired
    -   If hash does not match
        -   Increment failedAttempt counter by 1
        -   If failedAttempt counter is >=3 rate limit requests to 1 per hour
    -   If rate limit is in place send message to requester
- Backend features
-   Delete expired items in DynamoDB every 30 days
-   A copy button should allow link and passphrase to be copied to clipboard

Additional Features

  • Functional

    • Implement Web Share API for link, passphrase or hint (require separate channels)
    • Package as a personal web app so it appears in sharing menu (Google Android only, https://web.dev/customize-install/#criteria)
    • Add a passphrase hint feature (means passphrase may not need to be sent if the sender and receiver share some knowlege, e.g. 'that cafe where we had the nice fish')
    • Add file uploads, limit to 1MB to reduce costs
  • Security and Compliance

    • Rate limit / require captcha for more than 100 requests per day from unique IPs
    • Block requests from known malicious networks
    • Add a blog article that explains the security, risk and compliance posture
    • Add a blog article that explains the risks and how to share secrets securely


Serverless backend https://github.com/slartibastfast/secret-sharer-server.git


git clone https://github.com/slartibastfast/secret-sharer-client.git

npm start

Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

The page will reload if you make edits.
You will also see any lint errors in the console.

Continuous Deployment

Commits to the master branch are deployed to https://secret-sharer.netlify.app/, refer to netlify.toml

npm run build

Builds the app for production to the build folder.
It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.

The build is minified and the filenames include the hashes.
Your app is ready to be deployed!