This is a space for me to check in code that demontrates Azure Features. As I build out examples for training, or learning myself, i will put them here for everyone to see. If I create them fro training I will try to include a link to the training content if I own it.
- agustinsilvanoMontevideo, Uruguay
- alexander-kastilIntegrations IT Solutions
- aspirina765
- awancilikIndonesia
- bsurnidaOracle Corporation
- ciaranodonnell@Google
- cppxaxaMicrosoft
- johntrancali
- JorgeGongoraREPAM Systems
- kwcheung7
- loctran15
- lulzzz
- nicolaceliento
- NobadeerAtlanta, GA
- sfwatanabeLogo Infusion, Inc.
- zmillesonChameleon Limited