~ This is my Tic Tac Toe game version for the HolidayCheck Aprenticeship Coding Challenge ~

It is written in Python 2.7
In this game you can play against the computer in your terminal. The requirements were:

  • 3 x 3 grid
  • User and computer play turn by turn
  • The board and the moves are displayed after each turn
  • Once a game is won, the winner is announced and a new game can be started

What I have developed:

(There is no algorithm behind the Computer Player, it simply chooses specific cells - if available.)

  • No GUI. I took into consideration the option of Tkinter but as it was up to me... I am more of a cli person :)
  • The user is always "X" and plays against computer "O". In every turn, the new state of the board is displayed.
  • If a cell is not empty, user has the chance to correct his input without losing his turn.
  • After the game is over, the result is announced and the user can choose to play again.