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This README describes the ibmseti package. This software is used to read and analyze SETI Institute data generated from the Allen Telescope Array. It provides the essential code needed to get started reading the data, calculating spectrograms and autocorrelation spectra, and extracting some of the standard features from those results.

Go here if you're looking to get started analyzing SETI data.

Example User Code


pip install ibmseti

Read the Data

The raw data (compamp or archive-compamp files) are read with a ibmseti.compamp.Compamp object.

import ibmseti
rawdatafile = open('path/to/data/2014-08-11/act17713/2014-08-11_05-50-10_UTC.act17713.dx2009.id-2.R.archive-compamp','r')
aca = ibmseti.compamp.Compamp(rawdatafile.read())

Create Spectrogram and Plot

Here, we show the code to produce a Spectrogram plot from a Compamp object with the ibmseti.dsp module.

spectrogram = ibmseti.dsp.compamp_to_spectrogram(aca)
time_bins = ibmseti.dsp.time_bins( aca.header() )
freq_bins = ibmseti.dsp.frequency_bins( aca.header() )

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.pcolormesh(freq_bins, time_bins, spectrogram)

Feature Extraction

Here we show some features one may extract from a spectrogram with the ibmset.features module. In each of these, the data is the spectrogram.

It should be noted that these features are experimental and may or may not have strong impacts on classification. They are initial guesses made by a handful of SETI/NASA researchers, who make no guarantees about their usefulness. But we add them in the code here to get you started.

Also, the spectrograms are relatively large. One may consider reducing the size of the spectrogram using https://gist.github.com/derricw/95eab740e1b08b78c03f. Calculations done with a spectogram of reduced size can be significantly faster. For example, one can reduce the size from 129x6144 to 43x192: spectrogram = bin_ndarray(spectrogram, (43,192), operation='sum')). If you sliced off one of the time-bins to make the spectrogram 128x6144, you could reduce the spectrogram by other factors.

Features based on the Spectrogram
Standard Deviation of the projection of the spectrogram onto the time and frequency axis.
std_time = math.sqrt(ibmseti.features.moment( ibmseti.features.projection(data, axis=1), moment=2))
std_freq = math.sqrt(ibmseti.features.moment( ibmseti.features.projection(data, axis=0), moment=2))
Average Standard Deviation of the spectrogram along each slice of the time and frequency axis.
std_time = np.mean(np.sqrt(ibmseti.features.moment( data, axis=0, moment=2)))
std_freq = np.mean(np.sqrt(ibmseti.features.moment( data, axis=1, moment=2)))
Average N-th moment of the spectrogram along each slice of the time and frequency axis.
N = 3 #kurtosis 
N = 4 #skewness
nth_moment_time = np.mean( ibmseti.features.moment( data, axis=0, moment=N))
nth_moment_freq = np.mean( ibmseti.features.moment( data, axis=1, moment=N))
N-th moment of the projection of the spectrogram onto the time and frequency axis.
N = 3 #kurtosis
N = 4 #skewness
nth_moment_time = ibmseti.features.moment( ibmseti.features.projection(data, axis=1), moment=N)
nth_moment_freq = ibmseti.features.moment( ibmseti.features.projection(data, axis=0), moment=N)
Mean Total Variation (along the time axis) of the spectrogram.
tv_for_each_frequency = ibmseti.features.total_variation(data)
tv = np.mean( tv_for_each_frequency )
Excess Kurtosis

Measures the non-guassianity of a distribution. Could be measure after projecting a spectrogram onto it's frequency-axis.

fourth_mom = ibmseti.features.moment( ibmseti.features.projection(data, axis=0), moment=4)
variance = ibmseti.features.moment( ibmseti.features.projection(data, axis=0), moment=2)
excess_kurtosis = fourth_mom/variance - 3
Entropy (based on histogram of log of power)

The entropy of a signal is a measure of the amount of order/disorder in the system. In information theory, it is the measure of the average amount of "information" in a signal.

The ibmseti.features.entropy function computes the entropy of a histogram of the power values measured in the spectrogram. The histogram represents an estimate of probability distribution function of the power. You must build the histogram on your own, however. And you should also be sure that your histogram is normalized to 1 (Sum h_i * bin_size_i = 1).

When used properly, this could score each spectrogram with a value between 0 and 1, where 1 represents pure noise and 0 would represent a maximally large signal, or amount of information. (Though in reality, expect signals to have a value between 0.5 and 1, and for small signals to be closer to 1.0 than to 0.5.)

The use of this measure depends significantly on how the histogram is created. There are multiple ways this can be done. See the docstring for details on how to build a histogram and use this calculation.


bin_edges = range(0,501)
p, _ = np.histogram(np.clip(spectrogram.flatten(), 0, 500), bins=bin_edges, density=True)
w = np.diff(bin_edges)
h_p, h_max = ibmseti.features.entropy(p,w)

h_normal = h_p / h_max  #h_normal should range between 0 and 1.
Features based on the First Difference
Mean First Difference (along the time axis) of the spectrogram.
first_diff_along_time = ibmseti.features.difference(data, axis=0)
first_diff_along_freq = ibmseti.features.difference(data, axis=1)

fd_mean_along_time = np.mean(first_diff_along_time, axis=0).mean() 
fd_mean_along_freq = np.mean(first_diff_along_freq, axis=1).mean()

#same as first_diff_along_time.mean() because each element of the array is the same size!
#the average of the averages is the same as the total average if the sets of averages all have the same cardinality
N-th moment of the first difference
N = 2 #variation
N = 3 #kurtosis 
N = 4 #skewness
nth_moment_time = np.mean( ibmseti.features.moment( first_diff_along_time, axis=0, moment=N))
nth_moment_freq = np.mean( ibmseti.features.moment( first_diff_along_freq, axis=1, moment=N))
Maximum Variation

This can be calculated for the spectrogram, or for the first-difference, or gradient, along the time- or frequency-axis.

max_var_t = np.max( ibmseti.features.maximum_variation(ibmseti.features.difference(data, axis=0), axis=0))
max_var_f = np.max( ibmseti.features.maximum_variation(ibmseti.features.difference(data, axis=1), axis=1))
Features based on the Gradient

One can also calculate similar features (mean, N-th moments) based on the gradient of the signal along the time or frequency axis. Use ibmseti.features.first_order_gradient or numpy.gradient to calculate the gradients. Then just as above with the first difference, one can calculate the various moments and other features.


It may be useful to examine the asymmetry of the signal measured in the L and R polarization components. The asymmetry is defined as

A = (spect_L - spect_R) / (spect_L + spect_R)

where spect_L and spect_R are the 2D spectrograms for the L and R polarizations. The returned A can be further analyzed. The total integration of A could be a useful feature as we would expect E.T. signals not to be completely polarized in either the L or R polarizations (A = +/- 1).


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Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


Please feel free to fork this repository and submit Pull Requests. The core research team members from SETI, NASA and IBM will review your work and consider your algorithms for inclusion in our library. We are hoping to find new algorithms that are useful enough to be included in future real-time analysis of data from the ATA and other SETI projects.