Javier Garrido WebSite
Code for javiergarrido.dev website
Features / Techs used:
- react (create-react-app)
- redux
- redux-thunk
- redux-cookies-middleware (to store the preference of night mode themung)
- Hooks
- Styled Components
- react-i18next for translations (storing language preference in cookies)
- material-ui
- Open Graph
- CSS3 animation
Continuous integration/delivery:
- Husky hooks
- travis for continuous integration
- semantic-release to manage the releases
- commitlint & commitizen for conventional commits
- gh pages
- coveralls
- .dev domains
Useful resources
- CSS tricks
- React Internationalization with i18n
- The Flexbox guide
- Adding coverage reports to a React Create App using Coveralls.io
- CSS styles generator
- Connecting a .DEV Domain to Github Pages with HTTPS
- Open Graph Meta Tags: Everything You Need to Know
- CSS3 animation property reference
- CSS typewriter effect