How to work with these files


  • Node/NPM
  • Grunt CLI

Getting Started

1 - Installing NPM

Please skip this step if you already have NPM installed.

Visit to download and install on your platform.

After install verify it worked by opening up a command line tool and enter this command:

npm -v

If you see a version number it has been installed correctly.

2 - Installing Grunt CLI:

Please skip this step if you already have the Grunt CLI installed.

Open a command line tool and enter this command:

npm install -g grunt-cli

3 - Install Node Modules:

Open a command line tool, change directory to the project and enter this command:

npm install

Get Working

1 - Start Grunt Process

Open a command line tool, change directory to the project and enter this command:


This will start up the grunt default task and start we connect server

You should see this:

Running "connect:server" (connect) task
Started connect web server on http://localhost:8000

Running "watch" task

In a web browser, go to http://localhost:8000 to view the site.

To stop server: ctl + c on Windows and cmd + c on OSX.

2 - Working with the Files

All your edits should be done in the app folder. Please do NOT edit anything in the build folder. Grunt will build these files for you every time there is a change in the app folder.

Working with Pug

This project uses a HTML preprocessor called Pug ( It uses a template and includes based system and is separated out into 3 different section.

  1. Layout
  2. Pages
  3. Partials

There are also multiple variables that are being passed through the template that controls certain elements and colors.

3rd Party Javascript

JavaScript is auto compiled into bundles. This is done automatically. If the Grunt process is running, just adding a 3rd party plugin to the lib folder will cause an auto compile. You do not need to add it to the layout via a script tag.