Test dataset

The folder test_dataset_abemus contains a ready to use dataset to explore ABEMUS workflow as described in the Usage page of the Wiki. Download the test_dataset_abemus.tar.gz file, extract with tar xvzf test_dataset_abemus.tar.gz and follow steps as reported in the test_example.

Platform-specific Error Models

You can find platform-specific Error Models computed by ABEMUS as described and investigated in the original manuscript (Casiraghi et al. 2019, submitted) at https://bcglab.cibio.unitn.it/abemus_models

Target Folder Name Target Size Sequencing Institution n. Controls Seq. Protocol PMID
Targeted Custom Amplicon Panel AmpliSeq AmpliSeq 40 kbp IonTorrent PGM ICR 113 SE 25232177, 26537258
Illumina True Seq Custom Amplicon TSCA 106 kbp Illumina MiSeq UNITN 3 PE --
Roche NimbleGen SeqCap Exome v3 Nimble_Exome 64 Mbp Illumina HiSeq 2000 WCM 40 SE Beltran et al, submitted
Roche NimbleGen N250 targeted panel Nimble_N250 3.2 Mbp Illumina HiSeq 2000 WCM 20 PE --
Agilent HaloPlex Exome Haloplex 36 Mbp Illumina HiSeq 2000 WCM 50 PE 26855148