
Simple service to get prices for AWS EC2

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

Simple web service to get prices for AWS EC2 instances


$ go get -m
$ go build ec2price.go

Build as docker image

$ docker build -t ec2price .


Set AWS credentials

$ aws configure


$ export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="YourSecretAccessKeyHere0123456789" \

NOTE: Ensure your AWS account has necessary IAM Policy to PriceList resources

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "ec2price",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"

or simple AWSPriceListServiceFullAccess internal AWS managed policy

Start as binary

$ ./ec2price 
2019/04/26 16:17:43 Getting prices from AWS
2019/04/26 16:18:15 got prices for 1948 ec2 instance types in 18 regions
2019/04/26 16:18:15 Serving http requests

Start as docker container

$ docker run \
    -it \
    --rm \
    -e AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="YourSecretAccessKeyHere0123456789" \
    -p 8000:8000 \
2019/04/26 09:24:52 Getting prices from AWS
2019/04/26 09:24:57 got prices for 1948 ec2 instance types in 18 regions
2019/04/26 09:24:57 Serving http requests

Request prices

Query price for m5.large in us-east-1 AWS region

$ curl localhost:8000/us-east-1/m5.large

Query prices for us-west-2 AWS Region

$ curl localhost:8000/us-west-2
    "a1.2xlarge": "0.2040000000",
    "a1.4xlarge": "0.4080000000",
    "a1.large": "0.0510000000",
    "a1.medium": "0.0255000000",
    "a1.xlarge": "0.1020000000",
    "c3.2xlarge": "0.4200000000",
    "c3.4xlarge": "0.8400000000",
    "c3.8xlarge": "1.6800000000",

<<< output truncated >>>

Query prices for all instances in all AWS Regions

$ curl localhost:8000/all
    "ap-northeast-1": {
        "c3.2xlarge": "0.5110000000",
        "c3.4xlarge": "1.0210000000",
        "c3.8xlarge": "2.0430000000",
        "c3.large": "0.1280000000",
        "c3.xlarge": "0.2550000000",
        "c4.2xlarge": "0.5040000000",
        "c4.4xlarge": "1.0080000000",
        "c4.8xlarge": "2.0160000000",
        "c4.large": "0.1260000000",

<<< output skipped >>>

        "z1d.6xlarge": "2.7240000000",
        "z1d.large": "0.2270000000",
        "z1d.metal": "5.4480000000",
        "z1d.xlarge": "0.4540000000"
    "ap-northeast-2": {
        "c4.2xlarge": "0.4540000000",
        "c4.4xlarge": "0.9070000000",
        "c4.8xlarge": "1.8150000000",
        "c4.large": "0.1140000000",
        "c4.xlarge": "0.2270000000",
        "c5.18xlarge": "3.4560000000",

<<< output truncated >>>