
A micro-library to start up an nREPL server with my opinionated defaults

Primary LanguageClojureEclipse Public License 1.0EPL-1.0


‘Embed-nREPL’ is a micro-library to start an nREPL server with my opinionated defaults. I’ve found myself writing this a lot, so it’s time to make it a library!

What are my opinions, I hear you say? Not much.

  • I include the default cider-nrepl middleware, at the latest stable version.
  • I include the refactor-nrepl middleware, at the latest stable version.
  • If piggieback is on the classpath, I include its wrap-cljs-repl middleware.

You can override any of these versions by including an explicit override in your project.clj, or ~/.lein/profiles.clj


Embed-nREPL is on Clojars:

[jarohen/embed-nrepl "0.1.7"]

Getting started:

(require '[nrepl.embed :as nrepl])

;; pop this somewhere, probably in your '-main'
(nrepl/start-nrepl! {:bind ""
                     :port 7888
                     :cljs-opts {...}
                     :weasel-opts {...}})

;; if you ever need to stop the running nREPL server:


:bind is optional, and defaults to =””= - set it to =””= to listen on all addresses.

:cljs-opts and :weasel-opts are optional - pass any options here that you want passed to Piggieback and Weasel respectively

start-nrepl! is idempotent - if there’s already a server started, it won’t start another.


nREPL embed’s bREPL support is based atop Weasel - thanks Tom Jakubowski!

To open up a CLJS browser REPL, you’ll need to include the following in your project.clj.

;; These can go in your `:dev` profile, if you don't want them to be
;; included as JAR dependencies.

[com.cemerick/piggieback "0.2.1"]
[weasel "0.7.0"]

Then, in your CLJS, include the following to connect to the bREPL on the default port:

(ns myapp.main
  (:require [nrepl.embed :refer [connect-brepl!]]))


;; to customise host/port:

(connect-brepl! {:host ""
                 :port 9001})

Finally, once you’ve connected to the server-side REPL, eval:


;; again, to customise the host/port:

(nrepl.embed/->brepl {:host ""
                      :port 9001})

That’s all, folks!

Any suggestions/bugs/etc - please report them in the traditional Github manner - cheers! :)


Copyright © 2015 James Henderson

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.