
nREPL middleware to support refactorings in an editor agnostic way

Primary LanguageClojureEclipse Public License 1.0EPL-1.0

Build Status

Refactor nREPL

nREPL middleware to support refactorings in an editor agnostic way.

The role of this nREPL middleware is to provide refactoring support for clients such as clj-refactor.el. As such, this middleware doesn't perform any refactorings, but returns the information about what needs doing to the client.


Adding the middleware via Leiningen

Add the following, either in your project's project.clj, or in the :user profile found at ~/.lein/profiles.clj:

:plugins [[refactor-nrepl "0.2.2"]]

Clojure client

A clojure client is provided for demonstrative purposes, and to make some refactorings available from the REPL.

The refactoring functions are provided as public functions of the refactor-nrepl.client namespace. To work with these functions, you need to connect to a nREPL server which has the refactor-nrepl middleware enabled.

To connect you have two options:

  1. Call connect, store the returned transport and pass this to all the refactor functions.
  2. Call the refactor functions without a transport, in which case the client will create and store its own transport.

You also need to pass in the path to the file you want to refactor. Pass in a path as you would provide it for slurp. You might also need to pass in more optional or required arguments depending on the the refactor function -- see the documenation of the refactor functions in the refactor-nrepl.client namespace.

Available features

Find (debug) function invocations

Searches for invocations of predefined list of functions.

Expected input:

  • ns-string -- the body of the namespace to work with
  • refactor-fn -- value: "find-debug-fns"
  • debug-fns -- coma separated list of functions to find invocations of

Returns tuples containing [line-number end-line-number column-number end-column-number fn-name].

The functions to look for should be listed in a comma separated string, either fully qualified or just the function name. If the fully qualified name is provided the middleware will find the invocations of the function if it is required plainly or with an alias. For example:

(:require [clojure.set]
          [secret-santa.util :as u])

However, if only the function name is provided the middleware will find invocations of the function where it is referred. For Example

(:require [clojure.set :refer [difference]]
          [secret-santa.util :refer :all])

In case your client wants to find core clojure functions (for example println) list them only with the function name. A list of functions names to find: "println,pr,prn,secret-santa.util2/foobar,print-let,print.foo/print-let".

Example call from the repl using the clojure client:

(require 'refactor-nrepl.client)
(def tr (refactor-nrepl.client/connect))
(refactor-nrepl.client/remove-debug-invocations :transport tr :file "src/secret_santa/core.clj")

Find Referred

This is only available as a temporary performance tweak for clj-refactor.el/remove-requires. Remove unusued requires is planned to be migrated as a whole (and hopefully improved too) in the near future to be supported by the middleware. This feature might not be supported anymore by then.

Artifact lookup

This middleware provides operations for obtaining information about artifacts from clojars, or mvn central.

Two ops are available:


Takes no arguments and returns a space-separated list of all available artifacts.


Takes one required argument, artifact which is the full name of the artifact e.g. core.clojure/clojure, and one optional argument force which indicates whether we should force an update of the cached artifacts.

The return value is a space-separated list of all the available versions for the artifact.

find symbols

Finds occurrences of symbols like defs and defns both where they are defined (if available) and where they are used.

find usages (application of find symbols)

Finds occurrences of symbols like defs and defns both where they are defined (if available) and where they are used and prints them.

Example call from the repl:

(refactor-nrepl.client/find-symbol :ns 'leiningen.gargamel :name "gargamel-changelog")

rename symbols (application of find symbols)

Finds and renames occurrences of symbols like defs and defns both where they are defined -- if it makes sense -- and where they are used. Uses the same backend function: find symbols. Replacing the occurrences is implemented in the client.

(refactor-nrepl.client/rename-symbol :ns 'leiningen.gargamel :name "gargamel-changelog" :new-name "garg-cl")

var info

Provides information about a var. Currently this info is namespace and name. Similar to cider's info middleware but the namespace does not need to be loaded into the repl to be successful.

find local symbols

Finds occurrences of local symbol (arguments, bound names in let, loops etc) both where they are defined and where they are used.


The clean-ns op will perform the following cleanups on an ns form:

  • Eliminate :use clauses
  • Sort required libraries, imports and vectors of referred symbols
  • Rewrite to favor prefix form, e.g. [clojure [string test]] instead of two separate libspecs
  • Raise errors if any inconsistencies are found (e.g. a libspec with more than one alias.
  • Remove any unused namespaces, referred symbols or imported classes.
  • Remove any duplication in the :require and :import form.

The clean-ns requires a path which is the absolute path to the file containing the ns to be operated upon.

The return value, ns is the entire (ns ..) form in prestine condition, or nil if nothing was done (so the client doesn't update the timestamp on files when nothing actually needs doing).

Pretty-printing the (ns ..) form is surprisingly difficult. The current implementation just puts stuff on the right line and delegates the actual indentation to the consumer.

In the event of an error clean-ns will return error which is an error message intended for display to the user.

Warning: The clean -ns op dependes on tools.analyzer to determine which vars in a file are actually being used. This means the code is evaluated and any top-level occurrences of (launch-missiles) should be avoided.


The goal of the op is to provide intelligent suggestions when the user wants to import or require the unresolvable symbol at point.

The op requires symbol which represents a name to look up on the classpath.

The return value candidates is a space separated string of candidates to import or require into the current ns.


Loads a new project dependency into the currently active repl.

The op requires coordinates which is a leiningen style dependency.

The return value is a status of done and dependency which is the coordinate vector that was hotloaded, or error when something went wrong.


This op finds unbound vars in some ns on the classpath. In clj-refactor we use this as the underlying op for the extract-function refactoring: anything unbound in the body of the newly created defn has to be function parameters.

This op requires ns which is the name of a namespace on the classpath in which to find unbound vars.

Return valus status of done and unbound which is a space-separated list of unbound vars, or error when something went wrong.

Development with mranderson

mranderson is used to avoid classpath collisions.

To work with mranderson the first thing to do is:

lein do clean, source-deps

this creates the munged local dependencies in target/srcdeps directory

after that you can run your tests or your repl with:

lein with-profile +plugin.mranderson/config repl

lein with-profile +plugin.mranderson/config test

note the plus sign before the leiningen profile.

If you want to use mranderson while developing locally with the repl the source has to be modified in the target/srcdeps directory.

When you want to release locally:

lein with-profile plugin.mranderson/config install

to clojars:

lein with-profile +plugin.mranderson/config deploy clojars


  • Add hotload-dependency which loads a new project dependency into the repl
  • Add caching of ASTs (by ns and hash of file content)
  • Add resolve-missing which resolves a missing symbol by scanning the classpath
  • Add clean-ns which performs various cleanups on the ns form.
  • Add var-info returns basic var info (ns and name) based on the AST
  • Add find-local-symbols finds locally bound symbols


  • AST creation: analyze-ns instead of plain analyze which also evals the code


  • find usages
  • rename symbols


  • find (debug) invocations
  • find referred
  • artifact lookup


Copyright © 2013-2014 Benedek Fazekas, Magnar Sveen, Alex Baranosky, Lars Andersen

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.