
Our lab homepage

Primary LanguageTeX


This is the github repo of Stanford's Causality in Cognition Lab homepage.

Initial setup

Cloning the homepage repo

  • Make a github account here.
  • Ask Ari (aribeller@gmail.com) or Tobi (gerstenberg@stanford.edu) to be added as a collaborator to the repo.
  • Open your terminal and navigate to a directory where you'd like to clone the repository.
  • Run this command in your terminal:
git clone --recursive -j8 https://github.com/tobiasgerstenberg/homepage.git
  • Check that you're on the master branch both in the root directory, as well as in the subfolder public.
  • In the root directory, run the following commands:
git branch 
cd public
git branch 
cd ../themes/academic
git branch

You should be on the branch master for all three of them. If not, then type git checkout master to change the branch (in each of the three directories).

Installing hugo

Manual installation (works for M1 macs)

  • Follow the instructions of this blog post here
  • The release for hugo0.55.5 is here.
    • If you're on a mac, use the following file: hugo_0.55.5_macOS-64bit.tar.gz

Using brew (only works for older macs)

  • First, install homebrew following the instructions here.
  • The current version of the homepage works with hugo version 0.55.5. To install this particular version, run the following commands (see this post for more info).

run the following commands to install from tap instead (see this thread for more details).

brew unlink hugo
brew tap-new company/team
brew extract --version 0.55.5 hugo company/team
brew install company/team/hugo@0.55.5
brew link hugo@0.55.5
  • Confirm that hugo version shows v0.55.5.

Folder organization

├── archetypes
├── content
│   ├── home
│   ├── member
│   ├── news
│   └── publication
├── layouts
│   ├── member
│   ├── partials
│   ├── publication
│   ├── section
│   └── shortcodes
├── parser_tests
├── public
│   ├── bibtex
│   ├── categories
│   ├── css
│   ├── cv
│   ├── data
│   ├── demos
│   ├── files
│   ├── home
│   ├── img
│   ├── js
│   ├── member
│   ├── members
│   ├── news
│   ├── papers
│   ├── posters
│   ├── publication
│   ├── publication_types
│   └── tags
├── static
│   ├── bibtex
│   ├── css
│   ├── cv
│   ├── data
│   ├── demos
│   ├── img
│   ├── js
│   ├── papers
│   └── posters
└── themes
    └── academic
  • content: contains markdown files used to render the page

    • home: all widgets displayed on the first page
    • member: individual markdown file for each lab member
    • publication: individual file for each publication
      • these files are generated by the cic parser, and can subsequently be edited
  • static: contains all the files (papers, images, datasets, ...) in several subfolders

Update the hompage

If you have any trouble getting things to work, feel free to post an issue on the github repo.

First navigate to the root directory of the homepage in your terminal. To pull the most recent changes from the github repository by running:

bash download.sh 

To submit any changes you've made, run:

bash upload.sh 'message'

Please type a 'message' that communicates what changes you've made.

Add yourself to the homepage

Add your picture

  • Make sure that the image is not too large (ideally smaller than 1mb).
  • Ideally, it should be square.
  • Name the picture firstname_lastname.jpg and put it into static/img/members/.

Add your CV

  • Name your CV firstname_lastname.pdf and put it in static/cv/.

Add your personal page

You can create a new webpage by adding a new markdown file with your name into the content/member/ folder. Just copy the tobias_gerstenberg.md file, rename it, and adapt it to your needs.

Update the people page

In content/home/people.md add yourself as a new member. You can simply copy the template. If you don't have twitter or any of the other services, just leave it empty (e.g. twitter = "").

Add a publication

Update the lab's bibtex file

  • The lab's bibtex file is located here: static/bibtex/cic_papers.bib.
  • Add the bibtex entry of your publication to the file.
  • Make sure to add an abstract to your entry.

Parse the bibtex file to update the homepage

In your terminal, navigate to the root folder and run:

python3 parse_bib_cic.py -i static/bibtex/cic_papers.bib

This will create a new markdown file in the content/publication/ folder for each new publication that was added to the lab's bibdesk repository. The markdown file is named bibentryid.md, for example gerstenberg2016csm.md.

The parser also puts individual .bib files for each publication into static/files/citations/.

Add a pdf of your paper

Add a pdf of your paper to static/papers/ using the same name as the markdown file above (e.g. gerstenberg2016csm.pdf).

Tweak the publication page

Navigate to content/publication/ to open the publication. Adapt the links:

# Links (optional).
url_pdf = "papers/gerstenberg2016csm.pdf"
url_preprint = ""
url_code = ""
url_dataset = ""
url_project = ""
url_slides = "https://link_to_slides.pdf"
url_video = ""
url_poster = ""
url_source = ""

You can also generate new links by changing url_custom = [] to

url_custom = [
{name = "link_name1", url = "url1"},
{name = "link_name2", url = "url2"}

You can also add an image to go with the paper by putting it into static/img/publications/ and linking to by adapting the image ="" parameter (e.g. image ="publications/gerstenberg2016csm.png").

Develop the page

Here is a list of the key files to play around with:

  • config.toml: Configuration file
    • navigation bar
    • what's displayed on home page
  • homepage/layouts:
    • contains subfolders with files to adapt the different widgets and pages
  • /static/css/custom.css:
    • css file to adapt any of the stylings

Test the page

Monkeys help us test for broken links: https://monkeytest.it/

Some useful things to know


  • html: <-- comment -->
  • markdown: # comment
  • css: /* comment */
  • hugo: // comment


  • For the abstracts in the bibtex files, make sure to typeset " as '' (i.e. with two separate quote marks). Otherwise, the metadata in the corresponding publication.md file is incorrect.

Tutorial links

To do list

  • define personal variables only on people page