
Advent of Code 2017 in Rust

Primary LanguageRust

Advent of Code 2017 🎅 🎄


$ fd . --no-hidden --no-ignore | entr -c -s 'cargo run --bin d1 < src/bin/d1/in.txt'

Progress (2/25)

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Make Reddit Code Snippet

For longer code snippets, use https://topaz.github.io/paste/. If it's short enough, do this:

$ cat code | sed 's/^/    /' | xsel -b
$ cat code | sed 's/^/    /' | pbcopy

Reddit Comment Template

[LANGUAGE: rust]

# [Lua]()

60 lines of code according to `tokei` when formatted with `stylua`.

- [GitHub Repository](https://github.com/cideM/aoc2017-rust)
- [Topaz Paste]()

Disable Copilot

Add set exrc to your Neovim configuration, then echo 'let g:copilot_enabled=v:false' > .nvimrc, open the file and :trust it.