
The first assignment for CS4241

Primary LanguageHTML

Assignment 1 - Hello World: Basic Deployment w/ Git, GitHub, Glitch

Carla Duarte http://a1-ciduarte.glitch.me

This project shows an interactive resume with information regarding my experience in CS throughout my time at WPI, as well as my experience with web design technologies.

Technical Achievements

  • Bootstrap Implementation: I got excited about this assignment because I saw it as an opportunity to make an interactive resume from scratch. That being said, I went a little heavy on the Bootstrap components (Card, Pill, List Group, Collapse). Although this technical achievement may not seem extremely challenging, it was a learning experience for me to pull in the Bootstrap library and explore everything it has to offer.
  • Modified server.js to add photos: I added images to my experience cards. This required me to modify the server.js file to handle the image request urls.

Design Achievements

  • General Restructuring of Base Project: It's fairly obvious that I took it upon myself to re-vamp the base HTML provided to us. This may fall under the Bootstrap technical achievement because a majority of what I did used Bootstrap, but I wanted to highlight that I made it pretty - important design achievement.
  • Deliberate display of information: One design decision that I was particularly excited about was my "Relevant Courses" section. I took some time to think about how I'd like to display my Computer Science courses (which were required for the assignment) because the thought of simply listing them out wasn't extremely appealing to me. A long list of courses would take up a lot of space on the page, and it wouldn't necessarily be the most exciting information for someone quickly reading through the site. I came to the conclusion that rather than have a long list of courses, I could hide the courses in a collapsible Bootstrap component. I also linked each course to it's course description on WPI's website. This way, those interested in reading what courses I took could expand the list and click through for more information.
  • Font Awesome: I pulled in some familiar icons to use alongside my social media links.