devtest solution


bundle install
rake db:create
rake db:migrate
rake db:seed

Starting server

rails s

API paths


Use 'secret_token' in Authorization header.

Authorization: Token token="secret_token"

It's generated in seeds, it may be upgraded in future (generation of random token, token expiration etc.).


I tested the most important things (requests, panel providers services) with Rspec, FactoryGirl and VCR.



  1. I left external_id in Location and TargetGroup blank. I assume it could be used for many to many relations (I used inner tables) or used only for storing some ids in a client application, but it wasn't specified.

  2. I assumed that secret_code fields should be displayed only in a private API, but it wasn't specified as well, so it can be an overassumption.

  3. I assumed that I should list locations from locations groups, because there is no direct relation between Country and Location in models specification.