Customization Code Challenge

Often we have to manipulate information of various shapes within our applications. These exercies define a constant data in global scope which is to be repurposed in a specified way.

The first of these exercies is straight forward, the second is a bit harder.

  • Create a fork of this repo to work on.
  • Commit often as to demonstrate your solutions' progress.
  • For each problem, write code that returns the desired new information.
  • You must include tests for any functions you write.
  • Watch your tests and code with npm run watch
  • You may install and use any external libraries you wish.

1. Inverted Array Mode

Complete the function defined in exercise-one/index.js. The corresponding tests are in exercise-one/index.test.js

  • The function should always return the data (an array) in reverse order.
  • When mode passed is as 'prod' the function should append the string .js to each element in the array.
  • When the mode passed is 'dev' the function should append the string .test.js to each element in the array.

If you need to you can run the code from the root of this project with npm run one

2. Inventory Short Id

Complete the function defined in exercise-two/index.js. The corresponding tests are in exercise-two/index.test.js

  • The function should find nested objects with an id: property matching the first argument, then generate a value to store as shortId: in the same object.
  • You may use any algorithm of your choice to generate a short id but it must be unique.
  • The function must work for all ids present in data.

For example if data were to be:

    id: 'apples'

Calling your function with generateShortIds('apples') would return:

    id: 'apples',
    shortId: 'APL'

If you need to you can run the code from the root of this project with npm run two

Bonus Points!

Refactor generateShortIds so that when no id argument is passed, it will add the shortId to every nested object with an id.

Also, there are no wrong answers! Except for the ones that don't work ;)