Binary Reader

This script is capable of reading recursively a bunch of .dat files in binary format and generate a new 3-Dimensional structure containing the data associate to different particles.
The data is organized into n-layers of the following 2-Dimensional structure:

1 ... 31
0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 ... 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21
lon ...
lat ...
h ...
qvi ...
theta ...
Where each of the 2-Dimensional structures represents the data associated to an unique particle, the columns are organized into 8 steps during each day of the month (gives a total of 248 time steps). And each one of the rows represent an attibute of the particle at specific moment.
  • (Required) dirName: Path of the directory that contains the files and path to save the output files (cell array)
Output (13 files)
  • log file: File that contains the list of property processed .dat files and the errors.
  • [Month-Name].nc file: Files that contain a 3-Dimensional structure with the rearranged data read from the .dat files.
Function invocation

Reads all the .dat files from SOURCE_PATH and generates rearranged the data into a single 3-Dimensional structure
