
NEX-GDDP https://nex.nasa.gov/nex/projects/1356/

Primary LanguageMATLAB


This script is capable of reading recursively a bunch of netcdf files and generate 3 types of climatologies: yearly, monthly, and seasonal. The unique requirement for the data is to be organized in the following structure:
        ------ ####.nc

To obtain this file structure, you can use fileOrganize.sh script.

Yearly (default mode)

  • (Required) dirName: Path of the directory that contains the files and path to save the output files (cell array)
  • (Optional) type: yearly
  • (Optional) extra: This param contains extra configuration options, such as, var2Read (variable to be read, use 'ncdump -h' command from bash to get the variable names) and range of years (use 'f' to specify the lowest year, 'l' to specify the top year, and 'vec' to specify a vector of year)s (cell array)
Output (3 files)
  • log file: File that contains the list of property processed .nc files and the errors
  • [Experiment-Name]-[var2Read].dat file: File that contains a 2-Dimensional structure with the values point by point
  • [Experiment-Name].eps file: File that contains a plot of the data in high resolution
Function invocation

Reads all the .nc files from SOURCE_PATH and generates yearly climatology


Same as above


Reads all the .nc files wich contain the variable pr from SOURCE_PATH and generates daily climatology


Same as above, but the lowest data to be read is from 1950


Same as above, but the data to be read is from the range 1950 to 2000


Same as above, but the data to be read is from the years 1956,1988, and 2004

Alternative forms - parameters

The optional parameter var2Read can take one of the following forms:

... {'var2Read',{'pr','tasmax'}, ...}
... {'var2Read',{'pr','tasmax','tasmean'}, ...}
... {'var2Read',{'pr','tasmax','tasmean','tasmin'}, ...}


  • (Required) dirName: Path of the directory that contains the files and path to save the output files (cell array)
  • (Optional) type: monthly
  • (Optional) extra: This param contains extra configuration options, such as, var2Read (variable to be read, use 'ncdump -h' command from bash to get the variable names) and range of years (use 'f' to specify the lowest year, 'l' to specify the top year, and 'vec' to specify a vector of year)s (cell array)
Output (3 to 25 files)
  • log file: File that contains the list of property processed .nc files and the errors
  • [Experiment-Name]-[Month].dat file: File that contains a 2-Dimensional structure with the values point by point
  • [Experiment-Name]-[Month].eps file: File that contains a plot of the data in high resolution
Function invocation

Reads all the .nc files from SOURCE_PATH and generates monthly climatology


Reads all the .nc files wich contain the variable pr from SOURCE_PATH and generates monthly climatology


Same as above, but the lowest data to be read is from 1950


Same as above, but the data to be read is from the range 1950 to 2000


Same as above, but the data to be read is from the years 1956,1988, and 2004

Alternative forms - parameters

Since the latest version of the script, is possible to generate the climatologies for specific months. Using the following convention:

| Month   | Param | Month     | Param |
| -----   | ----- | ---       | ---   |
| January | jan   | July      | jul   |
| February| feb   | August    | aug   |
| March   | mar   | September | sep   |
| April   | apr   | October   | oct   |
| May     | may   | November  | nov   |
| June    | jun   | December  | dec   |

Then, the parameter {'monthly'} can be replace by:



  • (Required) dirName: Path of the directory that contains the files and path to save the output files (cell array)
  • (Optional) type: seasonal
  • (Optional) extra: This param contains extra configuration options, such as, var2Read (variable to be read, use 'ncdump -h' command from bash to get the variable names) and range of years (use 'f' to specify the lowest year, 'l' to specify the top year, and 'vec' to specify a vector of year)s (cell array)
Output (3-9 files)
  • log file: File that contains the list of property processed .nc files and the errors
  • [Experiment-Name]-[Season].dat file: File that contains a 2-Dimensional structure with the values point by point
  • [Experiment-Name]-[Season].eps file: File that contains a plot of the data in high resolution
Function invocation

Reads all the .nc files from SOURCE_PATH and generates seasonal climatology


Reads all the .nc files wich contain the variable pr from SOURCE_PATH and generates monthly climatology


Same as above, but the lowest data to be read is from 1950


Same as above, but the data to be read is from the range 1950 to 2000


Same as above, but the data to be read is from the years 1956,1988, and 2004

Alternative forms - parameters

Since the latest version of the script, is possible to generate the climatologies for specific months. Using the following convention:

| Season  | Param | 
| -----   | ----- |
| Summer  | sum   |
| Winter  | win   | 
| Fall    | fal   | 
| Spring  | spr   |

Then, the parameter {'seasonal'} can be replace by:


Read saved data

To read the data from .dat files, you can use the command:

data = dlmread('MyData.dat');


CIGEFI Centre for Geophysical Research
Universidad de Costa Rica ©2016

Roberto Villegas-Díaz