
Simple Lempel-Ziv compression scheme

Primary LanguageC

EZLZ: a simple implementation of a Lempel-Ziv compression scheme


$ ezlz [input [output]] # compression
$ unzelz [[input] output] # decompression

If both input and output files are omitted, stdin and stdout are used. For compression, you can specify only an input file; for decompression, only an output file.


Running make at the root will build ezlib, ezlz, and unezlz, and copy them at the root.

Escape value

Lempel-Ziv requires the use of an escape byte. By default, ezlib will use 0xAA. To change this value, run make with the ESCAPE variable set to any C litteral, e.g.

$ make ESCAPE="'@'"

Note that unezlz will not properly decompress streams compressed with a different escape value.