
🍃 Spotify – get the URL of a random saved album

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

🍃 Spotify – get the URL of a random saved album


spotify-random-saved-album --h
usage: spotify-random-saved-album [-h] [--no-cache] [--update-cache] [--output-name] [--output-artist] [--uri]

  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  --no-cache       .cache.json won't be created
  --update-cache   force update cache file
  --output-name    append album's name to output
  --output-artist  append artist's name to output
  --uri            return URI instead of URL. You can pass URI to spotify.start_playback(context_uri=URI) to play the album instantly
                   (premium required)

Install - 7 steps:

  1. Install dependencies and install the script:

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install git python3 python3-pip
    pip install spotify-random-saved-album
  2. login and create a new Spotify Developer app at https://developer.spotify.com/dashboard/applications

  3. Open the created app on the Dashboard and click Edit settings

  4. Go to Redirect URIs -> add redirect URL

  5. Copy Client ID and Client Secret from the app's main page

  6. Create a new file /path/to/.env which will contain the Client ID and Client Secret:

    The /path/to/.env file should look like this:


    (optional): create and populate /path/to/.env with the following commands:

    touch .env # creates .env file
    echo "export SPOTIFY_ID=<YOUR_CLIENT_ID>" >> .env
    echo "export SPOTIFY_SECRET=<YOUR_CLIENT_SEC>" >> .env
    cat .env
  7. Get the URL of a random saved album:

    (Option A) source the /path/to/.env (sets $SPOTIFY_ID and $SPOTIFY_SECRET) and run the spotify-random-saved-album command

    source /path/to/.env && spotify-random-saved-album

    (Option B) the variables explicitly and run the script:



You have to pass the OAuth via browser once on the last step.

Personal usecase of this script is to pipe the output (external link) to a browser shortcut which will open a random album.