
Big Five personality traits Analysis in Turkish tweets is implemented with Bert


The dataset was created by collecting Tweets from Twitter users in line with a survey we conducted for Big Five personality traits.


Notebooks are self-explanatory. Separate models were trained for each of Big Five personality traits. In addition, models were trained for 5 different traits such as "Satisfaction with Life" and "Income Level". You can take a look at the details of the training by reviewing the "training_example.ipynb" notebook.


We obtained separate results for each model.

For "Agreeableness" :

Görüntü 25 03 2022 22 46


The analysis is generated as follows:

name perc(%) count
muhalefet 74.6% 1838
iktidar 25.3% 624
total 100% 2462
name perc(%) count
karamsar 27.7% 683
memnun 72.2% 1779
total 100% 2462
name perc(%) count
alkol-olumlu 40.8% 1005
alkol-olumsuz 59.1% 1457
total 100% 2462
name perc(%) count
din-olumlu 26.4% 652
din-olumsuz 73.5% 1810
total 100% 2462
name perc(%) count
öğrenci %15.6 385
tüccar %22.0 543
işçi %30.1 742
memur %32.1 792
total %100. 2462
name perc(%) count
agree 39.6% 975
cons 83.1% 2046
extra 88.2% 2173
nevro 11.9% 294
open 37.2% 918
(from:Twitter Username) lang:tr -filter:replies - 2462