Flask on Docker


A simple web app with the ability to display static content, as well as save and display user uploaded images. There are two versions: a development and production version. The development version runs a python webserver using Flask as the framework and uses Postgres to manage the app's database. The production version adds on Gunicorn to run the server and nginx as a reverse proxy. Each of these services is run in its own docker container. See this tutorial for the full details.

Build Instructions

Development version:

If the web app's development version is currently running, bring it down with

docker-compose down

Add the -v flag to remove uploaded user content and the database

Run the web app with

docker-compose up -d --build

Production version:

If the web app's production version is currently running, bring it down with

docker-compose -f docker-compose.prod.yml down

Add the -v flag to remove uploaded user content and the database

Run the web app with

docker-compose -f docker-compose.prod.yml up -d --build

Create/reset the database with

docker-compose -f docker-compose.prod.yml exec web python manage.py create_db

Using the web app

Both the development and production versions of the web app are hosted on localhost:1342. Navigate to http://localhost:1342 to check whether it is running. If it is, the following text should be displayed:


Any files placed in the project's ./services/web/project/static directory can be displayed by navigating to http://localhost:1342/static/<filename>.

Users can upload images at http://localhost:1342/upload which can then be displayed at http://localhost:1342/media/<filename>.